  • 學位論文

文人畫的承襲與新變 ──論豐子愷漫畫在中國畫史上的意義與價值

Inheritance and Changes of Literati Paintings——On the Significance and Value of Feng Zikai's Cartoons in the History of Chinese art

指導教授 : 馬銘浩


本議題焦點在豐子愷對中國繪畫的承襲與新變上,在新文化運動的影響下,中國藝術的發展漸漸受到重視,對於中國藝術的發展,此時因受外來文化的影響,使知識分子們重新審視中國藝術的發展,而豐子愷以外來的繪畫方式重新的詮釋中國藝術的表達方式。 豐子愷對中國繪畫的承襲,從他的藝術理論可中歸納出三個大方向,中國繪畫發展史、中國繪畫理論、中西方藝術比較下中國藝術的特點。從這三個方向來細究豐子愷對中國藝術的觀念的承襲從何而來,而他的漫畫作品又繼承多少中國繪畫的特點。以他對中國繪畫的理解與認知上來探討,他觀念中中國藝術的樣貌。 他對中國繪畫的新變,便是以外來的繪畫形式──漫畫,呈現出中國繪畫的特點。他以漫畫的形式,重新展現中國繪畫的面貌。從他漫畫作品,如「古詩新畫」、「兒童相」等不同題材的內容中,都含有款識(畫題),這樣的呈現方式,是中國繪畫中文人畫特有的方式。豐子愷將新的繪畫形式與傳統中國繪畫的特色兩者交融。 豐子愷在新文化時期,因受外來文化的影響對中國繪畫的呈現方式也有所改變,但在這改變不妨看成是為中國繪畫的停滯不前,而謀求新的出路。以豐子愷的觀點與作品,探討他對中國藝術的承襲與新詮釋,使中國藝術有新的樣貌形式。


豐子愷 文人畫 漫畫


The focus of this issue is on Feng Zikai's inheritance and changes in Chinese painting. Under the influence of the May 4th New Culture Movement, the development of Chinese art is gradually gaining importance. The development of Chinese art influenced by foreign culture, let intellectuals re-examine the development of Chinese art. Feng Zikai use foreign painting ways renew express Chinese art. Feng Zikai's inheritance of Chinese painting, from his art theory, he summed up three general directions: History of Chinese painting, Chinese painting theory, the Characteristics of Chinese Art in the Comparison of Chinese and Western Art. From these three directions, how do Feng Zikai’s inheritance of Chinese art come from? And his comic works inherit the characteristics of many Chinese paintings. Feng Zikai in the May 4th New Culture Movement, the way of presenting Chinese painting has also changed due to the influence of foreign culture. But this change may be seen as a stagnation of Chinese painting, seeking a new way out. Feng Zikai's point of view and works, exploring his inheritance and new interpretation of Chinese art, make Chinese art have a new form of appearance.


Feng Zikai Scholars painting Cartoons


一、 中國繪畫
(一) 古籍:(依朝代排序)
