  • 學位論文

消費者行動支付使用意圖之研究-TAM 模型觀點

A Study of Consumer Usage Intention toward Mobile Payment- TAM Model Perspective

指導教授 : 張俊惠


電子商務和網路金融產業的蓬勃發展,對全球的商業型態與支付模式帶來巨大的衝撃,深深改變了大眾的支付習慣。我國金管會在2016年時發布「金融科技發展策略白皮書」,當中以2020年為期,將使國內行動電子支付占民間消費支出比例,在5年內由26% 「倍增」成長至52%。造成相關領域的業者也紛紛加入發展,希望藉由創新的支付方式,在未來能改變民眾的支付習慣。讓台灣民眾在未來可以用一支手機來完成所有的支付。因此本研究將針對台灣行動支付市場中消費者有關之消費行為進行探討。由於行動支付屬於一個金融結合新科技之產品,本研究則以Davis (1989)的新科技接受模型作為本研究架構發展的基礎。本問卷通過網路問卷進行發放,經由LISERLE 8.7.1版進行 SEM分析驗證本研究之假說架構與模型基礎。得到的研究結論為: 1.在台灣行動支付的市場中,消費者的知覺易用性確實是影響使用意圖的重要關鍵因素。 2. 在台灣行動支付市場中,知覺易用性確時會經由態度的中介影響到使用意圖的形成及也確時會經由知覺有用性的中介進一步影響使用意圖之形成


As E-Business and internet technology grows rapidly, the business model all over the world has changed tremendously, especially the habits of payments. Per FinTech Development Strategy White Paper announced by The Financial Supervisory Commission R.O.C in 2016, the mobile electronic payment would increase from 26% to 52% in 2020. This circumstance causes more and more businesses enter field of mobile electronic payment, who wish to change the way of payment habits. In nearly future, a mobile phone would be able to replace a wallet with cash and cards. This research would discuss how consumer would change their habits of making payments. Because it is a product of integrating of financial and new technology, we will be using the new technology of Davis of 1989 as a prototype for this research. The questionnaire will collect the data online, thru LISERLE 8.7.1 version and SEM analysis as basis. The result would have two points: 1. The ease way of electronic payment is one of the most important reason for consumers. 2. In the market of electronic payment in Taiwan, an eased and useful mobile payment would impact the willingness of using electronic payment.


Mobile payment TAM theory


Davis, F. D. (1993). User acceptance of information technology: Systems characteristics, user perceptions and behaviroal impacts. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 38(3), 475-487.
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