  • 學位論文


Exploring the Business Model and Key Success Factor of Petrochemical Equipment Agent–The Case of A Company in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張勝雄


每個成功的公司都有一個明確且有效的商業模式,才能在市場上生存並取得獲利,並冀望依此發展、茁壯。化工設備代理商作為銷售行為的中間商,必須面對客戶端化工製造業的生態變化、來自於同業的競爭,以及因語言教育提升與網路世代來臨帶來的功能限縮…等挑戰。 個案公司已在此行業深耕將近四十年,本研究利用對個案公司資深人員作深度訪談,再將所收集的資料,使用Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010)中商業模式圖的九大要素,分析出成功因素如下: 1.與原廠及客戶所累積的豐沛人脈,取得資訊來源多,容易佔得先 機。 2.雇用具有專業知識及溝通技巧的業務人員,完整跟蹤案件發展,提供 令客戶滿意的產品與價格。 3.與協力廠商保持良好的合作關係,藉由協力廠商協助,提供後續維 修。 4.提供足量的備品庫存,以縮短客戶等待的時間。 然後輔以SWOT優劣分析法,找出仍具潛力但可進一步強化要素,給予下列未來發展建議: 1.保持著關鍵價值主張及其他現存優勢。 2.培養並維持擁有高專業度的業務人員。 3.公司內部增設維修技術人員,提高客戶信任度,並擴增收入來源。 4.利用網路新科技,增加通路,以此減少與原廠和客戶間的溝通時間與成本。


Every successful company has a clear and effective business model in order to survive and get profit in their market. The company also depend on the business model of its own to develop their future business. Petrochemical equipment agents, as an intermediary in sales behavior, have to face the changes in petrochemical industry, competition from the same trade, and new challenges in network era. The case company has been deeply involved in this business for more than 30 years. This study used “in-depth interviews” with the senior staff of the case companies, and then found the success factors from the collected data according to the nine elements of model concaves from Osterwalder and Pigneur (2010) as below. 1.Good connections between customers and makers. 2.Well trained and knowledgeable sales staff. 3.Maintaining the good relationship with the sub-contractors, and maintenance service with the support of sub-contractor. 4.Provide sufficient spare parts inventory to shorten customer’s waiting time. The next step is trying to find out the advantages and shortcomings of the existing business model by SWOT method, and then give future development advice as below. 1.To keep the key value propositions and other existing strengths. 2.To train the highly professional sales person, and keep them in the company. 3.To add maintenance technicians in existing organization to increase customer’s trust and enlarge the revenue sources. 4.To utilize new network technologies to have more channel to reach customers, and reduce time and costs in the communication between makers and customers


Petrochemical equipment Agent Business models SWOT


一、 中文文獻:
4.洪啟原(2018), 石化產品將撐起原油需求,經濟日報,2018.10.06。
