  • 學位論文


The Development and Evaluation of Virtual Reality Course Materials

指導教授 : 鄭宜佳


本研究旨在以虛擬實境為主軸發展教材與評鑑,提升學習者科技素養與跨域應用能力。研究採用設計本位研究法(Design-based Research,DBR),研究流程分為發現、整合、分析、設計、發展、應用、評鑑、結果等八階段,以淡江大學教育科技學系碩士在職專班二年級學生為研究對象,發展四週之教材內容。研究輔以專家評鑑,對教材進行修改與優化。教學流程第一週、第二週為非同步線上教學,建立學習者對虛擬實境的認知;第三週為實機體驗,讓學習者在操作的過程中感受虛擬實境;第四週為課堂討論,讓學習者報告虛擬實境案例與反思議題。研究者觀察課堂實施,並藉由學習者滿意度問卷調查,評估學習者對教材滿意程度,以及討論教材實施成果。研究結果顯示,專家認為教學設計需重視教材內容與教學活動的連結,並且要詳細說明活動目的與流程,引導學習者進行學習;學習活動可與面授課結合,增加師生互動與回饋;教材內容需使用正確的引用格式、文字盡可能中英文一致、每個影片和圖片要加上出處,以確保版權問題。在學習者滿意度方面,學習者肯定教材內容與活動設計,認同教材可提升自己對虛擬實境的瞭解;喜歡實機體驗單元且注重如何實際應用,學習偏好較為務實;認為先觀看虛擬實境教學影片、接著實機體驗、最後實施課堂討論的教學順序能引起學習興趣。本研究修改教材及活動設計,歸納結論如下:1.修正教材內容正確性。2.增加教材可讀性。3.於教材中使用多樣化的媒體範例。4.使用學習者導向的教材設計。5.加強活動與教材連結。6.採用實體課進行回饋與評量。7.規劃實作活動。最後,本研究提出研究建議,提供相關領域之教師規劃課程與教材開發研究之參考。


This study aims to develop and evaluate the proposed virtual reality course materials to enhance learners' technological literacy and cross-domain application capabilities. This study was conducted with Design-based Research (DBR) methodology. The research processes are divided into eight stages, which includes discover, organize, analyze, design, implement, apply, evaluate, and discuss the results. Learners in this study were sampled from the second-grade in-service students of the Department of Educational Technology in a private university, and the total courseware was implemented for four weeks. This study was supplemented by expert evaluations to modify and optimize the course materials. The first two weeks of the program are non-synchronous online learning, which aims to establish learners' perception of virtual reality. The third-week program is a real machine operation, which allows learners to experience virtual reality in the process of operation. The fourth week of the program is a class discussion and virtual reality cases report. The researchers observed the program implementation and used the learner satisfaction questionnaire to evaluate the learner's satisfaction with the course materials. The results of this study show that experts believe that curriculum design needs to focus on the linkage between course materials and the learning activities, and it is necessary to explain the purpose and process of the activity in detail to guide the learners. Learning activities can be combined with face-to-face classes to increase teacher-student interaction and feedback. The contents of this course materials need to use the correct reference format. The text should be consistent in both Chinese and English. Each video and image should be noted with the source to ensure copyright issues. In learner satisfaction, most of all learners confirm that the course materials and activities design help to enhance their understanding of virtual reality. Learners enjoy real machine operation and applications practically. Their learning preferences are more pragmatic. The learners confirmed the sequence can stimulate their learning interest by watching the virtual reality teaching video first, then conducting real-world operations, and finally performing classroom discussions. This study modifies the course materials, learning activities, and the conclusions are as follows: 1. Correct the correctness of the course materials content. 2. Increase the readability of the course materials. 3. Use a variety of media examples in the course materials. 4. Use a learner-oriented course materials design. 5. Enhance the connection between teaching activities and materials. 6. Use operation lessons for feedback and assessment. 7. Plan of the implementation activities. Finally, this study proposes research recommendations to provide a good planning reference for courses and course materials development in related fields.


一、 中文部分
