  • 學位論文


The factors affecting the purchasing frequency of Caribbean people in Taiwan: The case of organic food

指導教授 : 陳怡妃




Organic food production has experienced a resurgence. Organic farming has become a very important alternative from conventional farming mainly because of environmental sustainability. Many consumers associate organic food with health consciousness and thus have begun to eat organically. This paper looks into the small segment of the Caribbean population who live in Taiwan to determine their buying behaviour as it relates to organic food. This is a unique group of respondents as they are or have been in the process of acculturation and as a result their perception of food may have been altered as their environment and peer influences have changed. A total of 211 respondents answered the survey and were from many Caribbean islands including St. Lucia, St. Vincent and Belize. This survey was exploratory in nature and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the findings. The results indicated that health, taste and availability preceded environmental/ ecological benefits when it came to possible organic food purchases. It was also determined that despite social media being the source of organic food trend awareness it didn’t have a very big impact on their buying habits. It was also discovered that although cultural significance was not as important as health if they were to purchase organic food, culture, belief and tradition was a big determinant of buying behaviour.


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