  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Consumer Behavior and Service Attributes for Food Delivery via Crowd Logistics Platforms.

指導教授 : 温裕弘


論文提要內容: 隨著以群眾物流作為最後一哩宅配的新創企業興起,開始有網路平台業者透過群眾外包方式進行貨運配送作業,其中以餐飲外送平台成長最為快速,然而HonestBee、《吃飽沒》相繼退出台灣市場,顯示群眾物流真正的營運模式與商業可行性尚未明確,另外此類平台屬於服務導向產業,因應消費者需求與消費型態進入體驗經濟階段,若能掌握消費者服務體驗行為、探索使用需求,不僅是開發新服務的關鍵,也是維持市場競爭力的要素之一。目前群眾物流的相關文獻處於初步發展階段,群眾物流的定義不盡一致,又以使用者之服務接受度、意圖與偏好的文獻更為不足。 本研究先透過相關文獻回顧歸納群眾物流之定義,並蒐集現況資料了解群眾物流餐飲外送平台的運作模式、平台功能與服務屬性,以台北市、新北市民眾作為研究對象,主要依服務體驗工程(SEE)為研究架構,強調探索使用者體驗為核心,以質化為主,結合服務體驗洞察與方法目的鏈(MEC);以量化為輔,採用EKB模型方法,探討消費者服務體驗過程中其使用動機、目標價值與使用行為特性,找出目前平台服務屬性缺失,並進一步挖掘消費者潛在需求,期望以顧客導向,提出使用者偏好的服務屬性,以供業者發展創新商業模式參考,進而提升平台營運的可持續性。 歸納消費者服務體驗之使用行為流程,依序平台評估、餐廳/餐點評估、完成訂單並結帳與取餐後續四階段。質化研究結果可得出共5類服務失效點、13項重要服務屬性、6條主要認知路徑,並彙整消費者服務體驗需求表;由量化研究結果可另得出3項重要服務屬性,可發現有使用經驗者其願意等待時間與願付運費價格之可接受程度較高;無使用經驗者其不使用原因為沒機會使用居多、偏好現金付款。而藉由探索性因素分析,找出4個影響使用者滿意度因素構面,並藉由集群分析,將有使用經驗者分為3個集群,發現以較容易受到平台服務項目影響其滿意度之「平台服務導向型」集群的樣本數最多;無使用經驗者分為2個集群,以使用傾向會優先進行平台評估後,再選定一個平台使用之「平台評估型」集群的樣本數最多。此外,值得一提的是本研究發現消費者習慣使用某一平台後便鮮少更換選擇,因此建議平台業者進行布局或規劃時,可呼應本研究結果區隔目標市場,提供差異化、人性化的服務,盡可能提升消費者黏著度。


With the rise of startup enterprises with crowd logistics as the last mile delivery, network platform operators began to carry out freight distribution through crowdsourcing, and the food delivery platforms is growing fastest among them. However, HonestBee and Foodtoall have withdrawn from the business market in Taiwan, showing that the real business models and commercial viability of crowd logistics has not cleared yet. In addition, such platforms belong to the service-oriented industry, in response to consumer demand and consumption patterns into the experience economy stage, if we can know the consumer service experience behavior, explore the use of demand, not only the key to the development of new services, but also one of the factors to maintain market competitiveness. At present, the literature of crowd logistics is in the initial stage of development, the definition of crowd logistics is not consistent, and the literature on user's service acceptance, intention and preference is much more inadequate. This study first reviews the definition of crowd logistics through relevant literature, and collects current data to understand the operation model, platform function and service attributes of the food delivery via crowd logistics platforms. The people of Taipei City and New Taipei City are the subjects of this study. This study is mainly based on the Service Experience Engineering(SEE) as the research structure, emphasizeing the exploration of user experience as the core, focusing on qualitative research, combining with contextual inquiry and Means-end Chains(MEC); supplemented by quantitative research, using the EKB model to explore the motivation, target value and behavior characteristics of consumer service experience process , finds out the lack of platform service attributes, and further explores the potential needs of consumers. This study is expected to improve the sustainability of platform operation by proposing user-oriented service attributes for the development of innovative business models. This study summarizes the behavior process of the consumer service experience, and follows four stages which are platform evaluation, restaurant/meal evaluation, order completed and checkout and taking meal follow-up. The results of qualitative research can result in a total of 5 types of service failure points, 13 important service attributes, 6 main cognitive paths, and this study also integrated consumer service experience demand table. The results of quantitative research can result 3 important service attributes and discover that people who have experience of using food delivery platforms are more willing to wait longer and to pay higher deliver charge than those who don't. Then, the reasons for those without experience of using platforms are lack of the opportunity and prefer to pay by cash. Through exploratory factor analysis, four factors affecting user satisfaction were identified ,and according to cluster analysis, the experienced people will be divided into 3 clusters, with the largest sample number of "platform service-oriented" clusters, who are more likely to be affected their satisfaction by platform service projects. On the other hand, those without experience are divided into 2 clusters, with the largest sample number of "platform-evaluated" clusters, who will conduct platform evaluation before selecting a platform to start using. In addition, it is worth mentioning that this study found that consumers are used to using a food delivery platform and are less likely to change. Therefore, it is suggested that the platform operators to carry out layout or marketing plans, can echo the results of this study to segment the target market, to provide differentiated, humaneized services, as far as possible to enhance consumer stickiness.


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