  • 學位論文


A Smart Mailbox System based on Bluetooth Beacons

指導教授 : 林其誼
共同指導教授 : 林莊傑(Chuang-Chieh Lin)


在資訊化的時代,科技之發展日新月異,物聯網(IoT)已進入繁榮發展時期,不管是從智慧家庭、智慧城市、智慧醫療至今發展到各種不同產業當中,以現階段產業趨勢來看,網購取貨已成為人們常見的一種消費行為,有不少企業開發或是個人家庭用戶使用之產品設備,皆以透過連網方式的設備為優先考量,並且透過手機APP程式執行相關指令與動作、以確保後端人員好方便管理相關資訊。若能將此領域,應用在現實生活當中,把現有技術和功能加以修正與了解使用者生活型態,再以各種呈現方式給使用者檢視、操作,不只讓現今的生活更加便利外,也增加許多互動性,用戶對於使用智慧型手機意願度相對也會提升。 本研究提出基於藍牙信標技術之智慧郵箱系統,其應用情境主要設定為大型社區環境。社區管理人員只需將包裹放入特定置物櫃位並於操作介面登記,系統便會發送通知到住戶端App提醒有待取件包裹;而住戶來到置物櫃的特定櫃位前,只需按下手機App當中的「開啟」按鈕,便發送特定的藍牙信標封包,郵箱裝設的信標接收端藉由解讀封包內容便可打開正確的櫃門,毋須使用者輸入任何號碼,兼具快速與便利性。


The Internet of Things (IoT) is among one of the fastest-growing technologies in these days. The applications of IoT are everywhere, such as smart cities, smart homes, and smart healthcare, just to name a few. In this thesis, we focus on one of the problems in large-scale communities – package management, and propose a solution based on the IoT technology. In some communities, the number of households can be thousands. With so many residents in a community, the number of packages received each day would also be very large. However, it is too expensive and takes too much space to allocate a large mailbox specific for each household. It is also inefficient and inconvenient if the packages need to be claimed at the community lobby serviced by the janitor. Therefore, we see the need to develop a smart mailbox system to solve the problem. In our design, when the janitor receives the package, he/she puts the package into a vacant mailbox and then registers the mapping of the mailbox ID and the household ID in the management system. As soon as the mapping is registered, the system generates a pickup code for this package, and sends a notification along with the pickup code to the resident’s smartphone by using the Google Firebase Cloud Messaging service. When the resident is about to pick up the package, he/she stands in front of the mailbox and enters the pickup code in the smartphone app we developed, the door of the mailbox will open automatically. This is done by sending a specific Bluetooth beacon signal from the smartphone which carries the pickup code, and we equip the mailbox with the capability of scanning specific beacon signals, which act as keys to open specific mailboxes.


[1] The basics of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), https://www.
edn.com/the-basics-of-bluetooth-low-energy-ble/, [存取日期: 06 2022].
[2] Beacon-Day24-三大Beacon標準, https://ithelp.ithome.com.
tw/articles/10196554, [存取日期: 06 2022].
[3] Android
