  • 期刊


Development and Application of a Variable Stiffness Isolation System Considering Ground Motion Characteristic


近年來,結構物隔減震研究日趨受到重視,過去的研究顯示隔減震效應無法即時判定地震類型,並針對近遠域地震特性改變以達到最佳控制效果。為了使控制效果最佳化,本研究開發一套半主動控制系統「地震能量預測比例法」(Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis,FPEEA),透過量測地震主波到來前之速度,計算頻率域之能量頻譜,進而區分出近遠域地震;並結合最佳動位能比例法(Minimal Energy Weighting,MEW)決定位能權重,以有效即時控制結構反應。本研究已開發完成此半主動控制理論,搭配槓桿式可變勁度隔震系統(Leverage-type Stiffness Controllable Isolation System,LSCIS),調整槓桿支點位置進而改變隔震層勁度,以達到最佳的隔減震效果。與過去的半主動控制律相比,本研究之控制律可達到與MEW相同之控制效果甚至更佳。實際振動台試驗結果顯示,透過速度能量判定可於主要震波來前區分出近遠域地震,達到即時控制效果。而針對近域地震情況下,更可有效降低隔震層位移,並對上部結構加速度反應有良好的控制成效。


In recent years, the research of isolation and mitigation system has become more and more important. In the traditional isolation and mitigation system, the control effect may be reduced because of unknown earthquake types. To have the best effect of response reduction, the systems have to be adaptive with the earthquake type. To achieve that, an upgraded algorithm, Feed-forward Predictive Earthquake Energy Analysis (FPEEA), is proposed by considering the energy of earthquake velocity to have the optimal response. The new algorithm quickly evaluates the velocity energy to have the optimal weighting of minimum energy weighting (MEW). With the optimal weighting of the potential energy and the kinetic energy, the PFEEA can reduce the structural responses efficiently. In order to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm, a single-degree-of-freedom structure is used as a benchmark in both numerical simulation and experimental verification. With predicting the optimal weighting in advance, the type of earthquake can be defined before the main shock of earthquake comes. The results have shown that the dynamic response of the structure can be effectively alleviated. Comparing to the structural responses of the MEW method, the performance of the proposed algorithm is similar to MEW or even better. The shaking table test also demonstrates the feasibility of applying the proposed algorithm in practical application.


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