

Preterm labor associated with maternal hyperlipidemia has not been noticed until recent studies show that women with preterm labor history have higher cardiovascular risk and are associated with hyperlipidemia in pregnancy. Here, we present a case of hyertriglyceridemia and preterm labor. A 34 year-old-woman, gravida 6, para 2, abortion 3, presented at our emergency room with sudden onset of vaginal bleeding with blood clot about 200 ml at 29 weeks gestation. Speculum examination revealed bleeding with chylous blood. Laboratory tests showed an extremely high triglyceride concentration at 1183 mg/dl. Cesarean section was performed due to refractory antepartum hemorrhage on the same day of her hospitalization. After cesarean section, low fat diet and fenofibrate 160 mg p.o. per day were given for control her triglyceride level to prevent acute pancreatitis. She was discharged at 5th day of hospitalization smoothly. The triglyceride level decreased to 128 mg/dl was noted 1 week later at the endocrine and metabolism out-patient clinic. Lipid profiles check-up is not a routine for pregnancy, but we need to know that hyperlipidemia is also a risk factor for preterm labor. We report this case to raise the concern of the association of hyperlipidemia and preterm birth.
