  • 期刊


Multi Person Multi Criteria Game Analysis between Central Government, Local Government and Enterprise- An High Pollution Industry as Example


人是群居的動物,早期低度開發國家為了發展經濟會發展勞力密集與能源密集產業,而能源密集產業通常為高污染產業,然而隨著經濟持續增長,人民會逐漸排斥高污染產業,但是,高污染產業亦為國家帶來豐厚的國民生產毛額收入與支持眾多家庭的生計,如何在兩邊的民意間承擔起槓桿的作用取得平衡考驗著政府的智慧。大部份國家都是實施中央、地方分權制,但是中央政府與地方政府通常對施政的偏好都不同,所以,中央政府與地方政府亦常有衝突。在中央政府、地方政府與廠商的關係上,中央政府偏重經濟繁榮,地方政府偏重嚴格執行環保標準,而廠商則偏重獲利;應用標準型(同時賽局)與擴展型(循序賽局)語意多人多準則決策賽局分析(Linguistic Multi-person Multi-criteria Game)以處理中央政府、地方政府與廠商的政策(策略)選擇問題,以分別處理,中央政府、地方政府對廠商的污染排放檢查機制和政策制定問題。為了驗證實用性,本研究會列舉二個案例進行說明,並探討其管理意涵,最佳會說明未來的研究方向。


No man can be an island. In the beginning, the low develop country will develop labor intensive and energy intensive industry for increasing economic development of the country. Energy intensive industry usually generates high pollution. Go through the economic development, citizen will exclude the enterprise with high pollution. But it will bring a huge amount of GDP for country and support the economics income for a lot of families. It needs the wisdom to balance the environment protection and economic development. The preference of central government and local government are usually different, so the conflict of those organizations is not easy to avoid. The central government prefers to develop economics, local government usually set focus on environment protection, and the profit acquirement is the goal of enterprise. The goal of this research is to apply standard (simultaneous game) and extension (sequential game) linguistic multi-person multi-criteria game for dealing with the pollution inspection problem and strategy decision problem. In order to justify the usefulness of proposed methods, the research will make two examples to explain those methods. Finally, management implementation and future research will be discussed.
