  • 期刊


The Study of Analyzing Critical Quality Attributes of Campus Housing using Refined Kano Model and IPA


隨著我國大專院校數目及大專學生人數的激增,學校宿舍已無法容納全部之學生住宿,校外租屋賃居的安全、環境、及租屋服務品質也愈來愈受重視,各大專院校不只需提昇校內教學及宿舍品質,仍需注意校外賃居學生是否能有完善的居住環境。本研究以SERVQUAL量表為基礎,並結合精化Kano品質模式及重視程度-績效水準分析(Importance-performance analysis, IPA)之概念,針對某大學校內外賃居學生進行問卷調查。結果發現整體學生對於安全及輔導相關服務並不在乎;校內賃居生對於目前賃居服務及「有形性」的硬體設備較不滿意,顯示校方需加強改善此方面。此外,研究結果發現校內外賃居學生對於Kano品質屬性的歸類有所不同且校方與租屋業者需加強改善處也有所不同,校方若要加強學生住宿意願則要改善「清寒學生租金可議或提供住戶獎學金制度」、「提供即時的郵件代收及處理」、「房東(管理員)與房客建立良好關係」;而校外租屋業者若要增加競爭力則要加強「提供即時的郵件代收及處理」。


With the increase in the number of colleges and college students, school dormitories have long been unable to accommodate so many students. To achieve perfect educational function for college students, the administrators should not only enhance the quality of teaching and dormitory but also pay more attention to students renting house off-campus to know whether they can get a better learning environment or not. Based on SERVQUAL scale, a questionnaire incorporating Refined Kano model into importance-performance analysis (IPA) is developed to investigate college students living in dormitory and renting off-campus in Central Taiwan. Results showed that students did not concern the safety issues and counseling-related services. The students living in school dormitories were less satisfied than the ones renting off-campus with the current residential services and the "tangibility" such as hardware devices. According to the quality attributes in Kano model, these two types of students were classified into two distinct categories. Hence, the qualities of residential service which the school administrators and rental businesses were required to improve were also different. Improvements should be made for school administrators including "regular maintenance and inspection of drinking water device", "regular maintenance and inspection of electrical facility", and "availability of cable TV and internet". To increase the attractiveness of school dormitories, more improvements contain "discount or providing scholarships for low-income students", "providing the express service for mail collection and processing", and "a better relationship between the landlords (or the administrators) and the tenants". Moreover, improvements for rental businesses include "steps taking by the landlords in continuing to examine and improve the quality of service", "excellent escape devices", "providing a clean public areas (corridors, stairs)", "prompt response by landlord for tenant inquiry", and "excellent room ventilation, lighting, and noise-controlled devices". To increase rental competitiveness, "providing the express service for mail collection and processing" must be improved.
