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From Mount Wutai to Mount Jingshan: Mizang Daokai and the Founding of the Early Printing Sites of the Jiaxing Canon




密藏道開 嘉興藏 五臺山 經場 傅光宅 馮夢禎


The printing publication of the Book-format Canon (Fangce Zang), later known as the Jiaxing Canon, was presided over by the monk, Mizang Daokai. The publication process has met with various difficulties in finding a proper monastery to operate the task. It is recorded that the Miaode Temple on the Mount Wutai was known for the early monastery to publish this Canon, however, a more complete research shows that the real situation was more complicated. Miaode Temple was not the earliest candidate, rather, the final decision was made after a long period of communication and debate by the leading monastics and the donors. the Posthumous Manuscript of Chan Master Mizang Daokai includes letters written by Mizang Daokai, which preserve indispensable records regarding the historical process of the event of the printing of the Jiaxing Canon. This document has been overlooked by scholars; hence, this article aims to study it and collates other documents recorded by the literati contemporary to Mizang. The task of this article is to reconstruct the history between Year 14 to 16 of the Wanli Era that reveal the complex networking involved in the publication of the Jiaxing Canon, and to show the genuine efforts made by the monastics for spreading Buddha Dharma.


