  • 期刊


Ethical Reflections and Cultural Reconstruction by Early Qing Remnant Scholars: A Case Study of Gu Yanwu, Li Yong, and Zhang Lüxiang






After the downfall of the Ming dynasty, "regret" emerged as a major theme in the writings of Han literati. Terms such as "shame," "guilt," and "regret" were used interchangeably in literary texts of this period. When scholars turned to the possibility of reviving the literati spirit and Han culture, they too needed to begin with reflections on shame and explored its different layers in their writings. In this paper, I will sift through their countless expressions of shame and guilt to call attention to the idea that shame was less a feeling than a moral/ethical and political concept. I will also show how scholars treated it historically in the early Qing. The scholars' common purpose in re-addressing the issue of shame in the early Qing was not only to recall the Han literati spirit, but also to re-establish morality and ultimately to revive Han power and culture. As I explore relationships between shame and other concepts (i.e., loyalty and existence) and examine the political, moral, and ethical concerns behind the scholars' treatment of shame. This paper focuses on three well-known writers and scholars: Gu Yanwu, Li Yong, and Zhang Lüxiang. These three scholars all developed individual approaches to the question of shame and regarded it as the core value of the gentry class. Their differences lie mostly in their emphases. Where Gu stressed the importance of shame for making decisions and taking actions, Li linked it with righteousness and the "Ordinance of Heaven." Gu saw the re-establishment of a sense of shame as vital to the revival of customs, while Li argued that learning was the means to activate the literati's sense of shame. Zhang offered another way to revive the sense of shame: his approach was primarily based on solving the problems of living. In their rethinking the issue of shame, Gu, Li, and Zhang had a chance to reformulate what constitutes a human being and a gentleman (shi). Their reinterpretations of shame enabled them not only to propose remedies for the problems of their times, but also to add new perspectives to the old issue of shame in Chinese thoughts.


shame early Qing dynasty Gu Yanwu Li Yong Zhang Lüxiang


