  • 期刊


Comprehensive Visionary Planning of Tainan Ancient City to International Cultural Capital


臺南府城具備歷史、自然及產業三大資源特色,有多層的歷史底蘊、特殊的自然環境、豐富的社群活動及強韌的港埠經濟,在成為直轄市後,更有機會再創繁華盛世,彰顯大臺南身為臺灣文化首都的地位,進而朝國際化城市邁進,拓展臺南文化軟實力的本錢。筆者建議「府城臺南的國際文化首都大遠景規劃」應儘快執行,同時根據國際局勢與臺南的地方特色,提出短、中、長期工作目標推進的建議:短期應該儘快成立「科學研究委員會」以便進行大遠景規劃;中期目標則是著重大臺南地區政經以及都市計劃全面整合與一體提升,同時積極申請「全球創意城市聯盟(Creative Cities Network)」、「人與生物保護圈名錄,簡稱MAB - Man and Biosphere Programme」;長期目標應以府城臺南的「國際文化首都大遠景規劃」,並根據世界遺產的各項世界人類傑出普世價值的標準來進行全方位的發展策略。


History, culture, and industry are three resources of Tainan Ancient City. With a diversity of history, a rich natural environment, abundant community activities and its historical port, Tainan Municipality is regarded as the historical and cultural capital of Taiwan. Within the recent new administration extension, the renewed Tainan City should target its cultural resources into the level of an international cultural city. This paper seeks to promote the urgent needs of the Comprehensive Visionary Planning of Tainan Ancient City to an International Cultural Capital. Based on international trends combined with local identity, it is necessary to shape the short-, mid- and long-term strategies. As part of the short-term strategy there is an urgent need to set up a Science Research and Steering Committee in order to coordinate and initiate the long-term Comprehensive Visionary Plan. The mid-term strategy should aim at upgrading the current political, economic and urban planning of Tainan City by retaining current diversity of history, natural environment, community activities in addition to the historical port. At the same time, applying for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network and Man and Biosphere Programmes should be targetted. The long-term strategy aims to finalize and implement the Comprehensive Visionary Plan for raising Tainan Ancient City's status to International Cultural Capital. This process needs to be in line with the identification of the potential Outstanding Universal Values of the world heritage criterias.


