  • 期刊


Nanao and Dongjing: A Study on the Prototypes and Historical Retrospect of the Donggang Wangye Boat




東港王船 南澳船 廣船 福船 同安船


Since its assembly of a Wangye boat construction crew in 1973, the Donggang Donglong Temple has regularly convened approximately 100 naval architects who inherited the craft of reconstructing 1920's wooden fishing boats. The naval architects form a voluntary crew that completes a Donggang Wangye boat every 3 years by using the construction methods commonly practiced in the current period. The wooden shipbuilding crew comprises one of the last active craftsmen in Taiwan. Although the shipbuilding crew continues to adhere to the shipbuilding tradition, they now face an existential crisis of aging craftsmen with no successors. By compiling and sorting the relevant literature and investigating the archival documents from the Japanese rule in Taiwan, the present researchers analyzed the characteristics of Nanao ships, Fujian ships, and Canton ships in China, Malaysia, and Taiwan, respectively, and the evolution of the shape, material, and craftsmanship of the Donggang Wangye boat. This study found that the first wooden King Boat in Donggang was designed on the basis of two small Nanao ships of the Qing dynasty, which are now preserved and located on the second floor of the Donggang Donglong Temple. The oral history of the Donggang Nanao ship from the local elders was verified using records from merchants in the suburbs of Donggang and rice valley traders who lived during the early days of the Japanese rule. The analysis revealed that the Tongan Ship was the most important type of ship in the Fujian ship system in the 19th Century. The use of the ship by both the government and the private sector and its prevalence in the waters of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong may have influenced the private shipwrights in their geographical neighbor, Nanao. Additionally, two painted pictures of Tongan shuttle ships that date to the Qing dynasty were found in the archives of the National Palace Museum and were similar in shape of the two Wangye boats (Nanao ships) in the Donggang Donglong Temple. Therefore, the design of the Nanao ship may have also been influenced by the design of the Fujian Ship.


李豐楙(2013)。巡狩南邦:東南亞地區代巡信仰的傳播及衍變─以馬六甲勇全殿 2012 年送王舡為例。東亞觀念史集刊,5,3-52。
民政字第 1050001147 號函(2016 年 12 月22 日)。
毛紹周(2010)。水仙尊王信仰精神的建構 ─ 以臺南大天后宮之陪祀水神為探討中心。文史臺灣學報,2,289-331。
