  • 會議論文


The Current Development of Elementary School Twelve People Dodge Ball




運動推展 十二人制 躲避球


Since 1993, Taiwan's second-a-introduction of dodge ball, the rules are simple, the ball mass security, interesting and challenging game, so whether in physical education, recess activities, classes or schools on behalf of the international team competition of training, most elementary school students are welcome and pet project, the past two decades, almost fully replaced the old dodge ball. National-level game divided by the primary and secondary schools, there were Open events; 2008 Taiwan Sport For All in Kaohsiung is also included in the official projects. However, it must be said, the current domestic situation in addition to promote the vitality of the country showed the development of the small stage, the country will be relatively little interest in the future, promoting limited. Through this literature review, twelve people dodge ball push to show the origin status, and dodge ball go into the nature of the educational function of dodge ball and the implication of the exercise value; the same time to clarify a variety of negative perceptions and misconceptions, so that Twelve new system of dodge ball to get more teachers, schools, scholars and the recognition and support of education authorities.


sports promotion twelve people dodge ball
