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  • OpenAccess


Explore the Application of Facial Biologin on e-Commerce Based on Buyer's Risk Perceptions and Purchasing Intention


蒸氣機發明後的工業革命將農業社會轉型為工業社會,現今電腦與網路科技被喻為第二次工業革命,象徵這項新科技對人類社會的重大影響。在網路虛擬的平台上,上網民眾可以聊天、交友、搜尋資料、甚至購買物品,業者亦視網路為一重大商機,於是電子商務蓬勃發展,根據資策會電子商務研究所(2006)調查報告,網路購物交易總額高達數百億並持續增加。另一方面,許多的研究報告指出,消費者對網站平台安全及隱私問題的疑慮,使之容易產生風險知覺,進而影響購物意願,因此電子商務在未來要能持續擴展,首要之務就是加強購物網的相關功能,使消費者放心。臉部辨識是近來資訊界所熱中研發之科技,若將之應用於電子商務應可強化安全及隱私功能,就技術層面而言,臉部辨識可透過三種傳輸方式來應用:特徵傳輸、雜訊傳輸、和影像傳輸。 本研究的目的就在探討臉部辨識新科技之應用是否有助於改善消費者對網站購物所產生的風險知覺,是否增加購買意願,以及比較三種不同的臉部辨識傳輸方式。本研究透過網路問卷的方式,回收有效問卷333份,研究結果得知臉部辨識技術的應用,不論是哪一種的傳輸方式,都讓消費者認為有助改善網路購物的「個人隱私」與「交易安全」風險,但是在增加購買意願上,僅特徵與雜訊兩種傳輸方式具顯著性,影像方式則不具顯著性。進一步對三種傳輸方式做交叉比對時,發現在改善個人隱私風險方面,消費者對特徵與雜訊兩種方式的評價明顯高於影像方式,在交易安全方面,則是特徵方式要明顯高於其他兩種方式。人口的性別變項不構成差異性,但在網購經驗有和無的人口變項上,則許多方面呈現顯著性差異,總括本研究結果,臉部辨識的三種傳輸方式中,特徵傳輸最受消費者信賴,影像傳輸則較不受信賴。


Computer and internet were entitled the ”Second Industrial Revolution” which symbolized the strong impact of digital technologies on the human kind. In the virtual world of internet, people could chat, make friends, search information, and even make purchases. Enterprisers also believed internet provided tremendous chances and contributed themselves to develop e-commerce. According to statistics, the total amount of on-line purchasing reached tens of billions in 2005. On the other hand, many studies indicated on-line shoppers tended to experience risk perceptions so as to decrease their purchasing intention because of uncertainty regarding internet security and privacy. In order to keep e-commerce growing in the future, the main task was to increase the function of website privacy and security. Facial recognition instead of traditional password was expected as a better way to secure on-line shopping. Technically, facial recognition was applied with three options of transmission: feature, noise, and image. The main purpose of this research was to explore how consumer's risk perceptions and purchasing intention were influenced when facial recognition was used in on-line shopping, and to compare the three transmission methods. The results indicated that each transmission method of facial recognition could improve on-line shoppers' risk perceptions of privacy and security. In terms of purchasing intention, feature and noise had significance but image did not. When three methods being further compared, feature and noise were significantly higher than image in improving privacy. As for security, feature was significantly higher than the other two transmission methods. The sex variable of demographics did not make any difference, while the experience of on-line shopping did in many ways. The results also revealed that facial recognition by feature transmission was perceived the most trustworthy by consumers, and image transmission was the least one.


