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Effects of Foliar Application of Cytokinin (N^6-BA) on the Growth and Morphological Changes of Summer Eustoma grandiflorum


洋桔梗於臺灣夏季栽培生育速度快以至花莖細軟,分枝性不高,花朵數不多,切花品質不若冬季切花佳。本試驗探討細胞分裂素(N^6-Benzyladenine, N^6- BA)噴施對洋桔梗切花生長形態變化之影響,並評估其改善夏季切花分枝數及花朵數以促進切花品質之可能性。以N^6-BA 10mg/L葉面噴施於洋桔梗‘露娜美桃’及‘禮儀彩藍’苗株兩次,可促進花芽分化,增加花芽數,同時也提高植株莖枝分岔情形,且花莖較粗硬,但接近頂梢節間較為短縮,葉色較淡。噴施細胞分裂素對洋桔梗形態變化之影響在品種間有所差異,洋桔梗品種‘露娜美桃’本身分枝性較佳,噴施N^6-BA濃度20mg/L會造成植株生長停滯、上位節間短縮及花朵畸形,因此須注意品種分枝性以調整噴施濃度及次數。


The cut flowers of Eustoma grandiflorum in summer were usually lower quality with fewer lateral branches, less flower number and thinner stem diameter, than that in cool seasons. Many related researches has focused on the cytokinin (N^6-Benzyladenine, N^6-BA) application on the flora and fruit crops to induce flora initiation, lateral branching and flower numbers. In this experiment is aimed to investigate the effect of N^6-BA on the growth and morphological performances of Eustoma grandiflorum 'Luna Rose' and 'Ceremony Blue Flash'. The result indicated that the twice foliar application of 10 mg/L N^6-BA on Eustoma grandiflorum could induce flower initiation, and the flora buds, branch forking and stem thickness is also increased, but the upper internodes became shorter and lower in leaf chlorophyll content. The efforts of N^6-BA application on Eustoma grandiflorum were found variable among cultivars. Eustoma grandiflorum 'Luna Rose' has better branch forking character, and the N^6-BA with 20 mg/L resulted in stunting plant and shorter in upper internodes, leaf shrinking and deformed flower as well. As a result, the N^6-BA application should be depending on the branch forking performance in Eustoma cultivars.
