  • 期刊


The Identification of Taiwan Banana Cultivars 'Pei' and 'Hsien Jen'


臺灣主要香蕉栽培品種爲北蕉與仙人蕉,惜其在分類上未有確實之地位,香蕉研究所發現一般栽培品種,花苞之苞片有殘留與脫落兩種,輕調查葉片長度與寬度、算出葉片長寬比結果,知苞片脫落性相同之蕉株,其葉長與葉寬在二蕉園間雖頗有差異,但葉之長寬比則差異小。苞片殘留之葉長寬比爲2.12~2.71平均爲2.38,而脫落者爲2.34~3.66平均爲2.89。前者符合Simmonds(1954, 1959)分類中之Giant Cavendish,後者除一二列外,符合Robusta。若與1935年有關北蕉與仙人蕉之資料對照,該資料雖未涉及苞片之脫落性,但亦能從其中葉長、葉寬等測定,而知前者爲北蕉,後者爲仙人蕉。本試驗確定臺灣之北蕉爲Cavendish類中之Giant cavendish,而仙人蕉爲Robusta。並顯示北蕉與仙人蕉依苞片之脫落情形,能簡單且準確的加以區別。




'Pei' and 'Hsien jen', two cultivars forming the basis of banana trade in Taiwan, have not been assigned to specific groups. We found that among the banana plants grown for export there are two distinct types, one type has deciduous bracts, and the other has persistent bracts, Measurements of leaves of these two types at two locations indicated that within each type, while leave length and leave width vary with the location, leaf ratio does not. Bract persistent plants have a leaf ratio of 2.12~2.71 (average 2.38), and bract deciduous plants have a leaf ratio of 2.34~3.66 (average 2.89). The former, according to the classification of Simmonds (1954, 1959), corresponds to 'Giant Cavendish', and the latter, with one or two exceptions, corresponds to 'Robusta'. When these results are compared with those obtained by the Takao Banana Producer's Association (1935), it becomes apparent that the former is 'Pei' and the Iatter is 'Hsien jen'. The present study, therefore, identifies 'Pei' as 'Giant Cavendish' and 'Hsien jen' as 'Robusta'. It also shows that these two cultivars can readily be distinguished by observing the behaviour of the bracts on the male axis. 'Hsien Jen' originated from 'Pei' as a mutant. The present work uncovers an instance of mutation from 'Giant Cavendish' to 'Robusta'.

