  • 期刊


The Treatment of Childhood Functional Constipation with Traditional Chinese Medicine


小兒便秘是極爲常見的問題,約占一般兒科門診的3%,小兒胃腸科門診中的25%,便秘通常是指一星期少於3次的排便頻率,排便困難,大便呈顯乾硬現象;甚則伴隨有腹脹、腹痛、食欲不振的症狀。影響便秘的原因衆多,像是身體、心理、疾病、社會和環境等因素皆有可能導致便秘。 在中醫認爲小兒臟腑嬌嫩,形氣未充;且脾常不足,運化力弱,可能因先天稟賦不足或是後天失養而發病。依其臨床表現約可分:食積、燥熱、氣滯、氣虛、血虛等證型來辨證論治。


小兒 便秘 臟腑嬌嫩 辨證論治


Constipation is a common symptom in children, accounting for about 3% of consultations in routine pediatric practice and as much as 25% in pediatric gastroenterology clinics. Constipation is defined as the passing of hard stools, with a frequency of fewer than 3 times per week. It is usually accompanied by abdominal bloating, abdominal pain and poor appetite. There are multiple factors that influence constipation, such as dietary, physical, psychological, pathological, social and environmental factors. In the theory of Traditional Chinese medicine, the bodies of children are distinguished by frail zang-fu organs, bodies and qi that are not fully developed, and weakness of the spleen, the later leading to the inability to properly metabolize and transport nutrients. The causes of childhood constipation can also be due to congenital insufficiency and improper postnatal nourishment. Treatment by traditional Chinese medicine takes into consideration the above mentioned features and modifies prescriptions according to five types of main patterns: food retention, qi stagnation, dryness-heat, qi deficiency, and blood deficiency.
