  • 期刊


Integrated TCM Treatment on Chronic Kidney Function Insufficiency: A Case Report


本病例為一位67歲男性公務員,無糖尿病、高血壓等病史。民國87年因患帶狀疱疹,長時間服用高劑量的止痛藥Panadol,兩年內陸續出現腰痠痛、乾咳、暈眩、高血壓等病史,89年4月10日確診為慢性腎衰竭(Creatinine 2.5 BUN 29.5),同年11月患者遂至本院中醫部治療。本病例處方以益氣養陰、利水滲濕為主,輔以潤肺止咳,少佐以瀉濁通便為治則,運用豬苓湯、六味地黃丸類方、麥門冬湯、貝母、車前子、旱蓮草、女貞子、益母草、大黃加減治療。這六年來,患者的腎功能指數呈現穩定,故提出本病例治療過程探討,作為慢性腎衰竭的病例教學討論。


A 67 years-old male civil worker suffered from shingles in 1998 with no diabetes or hypertention history. He took pain killer, Panadol, in high dosage for a long period of time, and started to have symptoms such as sore low back, dry cough, dizziness and hypertention. He was diagnosed with chronic kidney failure (Creatinine 2.5, BUN 29.5) on April 10(superscript th), 2000, and went to our department of Chinese medicine for treatment. The treatment principle for him is to supplement qi, nourish yin, to induce diuresis and relieve dampness, to nourish the lung and ease cough, and to purge. The formula used is ZhuLingTang, LiuWeiDiHuangWan and MaiMengDongTang modified, plus Beimu, Cheqianzi, Hanliancao, Nyuzhenzi, Yimucao and Dahuang. Within 6 years, the kidney function of the patient is very stable; therefore, we provide this treatment process as a case study for education on kidney failure.
