  • 期刊


Qi Supplementing and Blood Nourishing Method for Hypertension of Deficiency Syndrome: A Case Report




A 41 y/o female complained about dizziness and headache for 2 weeks and no period for 3 months. The patient was diagnosed with hypertension and amenorrhea of deficient qi and blood and liver stagnation. Treatment of supplementing qi, nourishing blood and soothing liver is used with modified XiaoYaoSan plus RenShenYangRongTang. Dizziness and headache is improved, blood pressure is close to normal, and period is functioning after treatment. This indicates deficiency of qi and blood can be one of the patterns of hypertension other than faring-up of liver fire, exuberant lifer yang, yin deficiency and yang excess, deficiency of yin and yang and obstruction of phlegm. On top of controlling blood pressure, TCM treatment can also improve overall symptoms and regulate constitution. Herbs of supplementing nature can be used as long as diagnosis is accurate.
