  • 期刊


Chinese Vocabulary Teaching and Cultural Inheritance




华语 词汇教学 中华文化


Vocabulary teaching is an important component of Chinese language teaching, and its main aim is to expand students' vocabulary. Through the created conditions, students learnt to use and acquire a large number of vocabulary to improve oral expression ability in systematic manner. Chinese language learners in Cantonese dialects areas need to learn the common words of Chinese language, the differences between Cantonese and Chinese language, the peculiar words of Chinese language, the spoken words and the new words of Chinese language. Vocabulary is the carrier of culture, and Chinese culture is often reflected in the vocabulary. Only by grasping the original meaning of the word and the evolution of the meaning of the word that will help us understand the meaning of the word. Vocabulary teaching should be from point to line, and finally to form a "word network" that tells the original meaning and extended meaning of words. Through learning large number of examples and understanding the cultural background of these words-if possible let the cultural relics speak, that will help the Chinese language learners thoroughly understand the meanings and truly grasp the actual meaning of Chinese words.


Chinese Vocabulary Teaching Chinese Culture


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