  • 期刊

晚清(A. D. 1895-1911)傳奇、小說的現代性追求--以公案、偵探為中心

In Search of the Modernity: Using the Court-Case and Detective Fictions and Dramas of Late-Qing Period


自宋以來,「公案」被視為一種描寫英明官吏斷案的故事題材,清代從清初的《施公案》始,相類似的題材被不斷的演繹。清中期後又有《三俠五義》與《彭公案》之類的俠義公案小說相繼問世。這類小說在市場中廣受歡迎,相類似的續書一再出版。然而晚清(A. D. 1895)以降,這樣的氛圍榮景卻被另一種批判現行法律制度的公案題材所取代。這一類的公案與偵探作品檢討了中國舊制度的種種不足與缺陷,並介紹了西方的新制度,具備了所謂「現代性」的意涵。本文僅以晚清的小說、戲曲為中心,探討其中的公案、偵探題材中所具備的司法現代性。


From Sung dynasty, court-case fiction was taken as a story that describe a wise judge’s judgement. In Qing dynasty, some similar story like "Shi Gong-An" was written unceasingly. From middle-Qing period, "San-Xia Wu-Yi " and "Peng Gong-An" were made. As a popular genre, numerous sequences are published. However, until late-Qing period(A. D. 1895), this silver age was replaced by another kind of fiction which criticize the judicial reality. These kind of court-case and detective fictions review the old legal system and introduce the new western legal system and contained the "modernity" meaning. This present paper attempts to depict the modernity of court-case and detective fictions and dramas of late-Qing period.
