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Minimum Ignition Energy of Titanium and Iron Nanoparticle Powders




Many nanoparticle manufacturing processes are at risk for fires and explosions. This study examines titanium nanoparticles in eight diameter ranges (35nm, 75nm, 100nm, 1-3μm, 10μm, 35μm, 75μm, and 40-100μm) and iron nanoparticles in four diameter ranges (15nm, 35nm, 65nm, and 100μm). The goal of this study is to measure the minimum ignition energy (MIE) of each nanoparticle powder using a 1.2L modified Hartmann apparatus. Based on the experimental data, titanium paticle less than 1-3μm and iron particles less than 65μm with have minimum ignition energies of less than 1mJ, which means they are extremely combustible. Therefore, during the manufacture of these nanoparticle powders, it is imperative to take precautionary measures against flammability hazards such as electrostatic sparks and collisions.


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