  • 期刊


The Prevalence of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus Type 2 and Porcine Circovirus Type 2 Infections in Commercial Pig Farms in Taiwan


本研究開發及運用多重引子反轉錄聚合酶鏈反應(multiplex reverse transcriptase-polymerarase chain reaction; multiplex RT-PCR)及多重引子聚合酶鏈反應(multiplex polymerase chain reaction; multiplex PCR)原理分別設計區別診斷引子以檢測豬隻全血檢體中豬生殖與呼吸綜合症(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome; PRRS)病毒第一型與第二型及豬一型與豬二型環狀病毒(porcine circovirus; PCV)病毒血症之發生情形,併用檢測PRRSV及PCV2對應抗體之商品化酵素標示免疫吸附分析套組(ELISA kit),進行該二病毒移行抗體之消長及感染率之分析。此種研究模式,除了提供一種低設備、低人力需求而且可以快速取得豬場中前開二種病毒在豬群中流行病學及豬隻抗體消長等資訊外,亦可應用於定期監控此二病毒在台灣商業豬群中之流行病學趨勢以及疫苗開發、疫苗效力評估及研擬控制方案等。本研究自台灣典型飼養流程的一貫生產豬場,以橫斷法逢機採集全血及血清檢體。研究結果顯示,二豬場豬隻PRRS病毒第二型病毒血症均在6週齡以後發生,其中東山場9週齡以上部份檢體病毒血症情形持續至15週齡,而合西場僅出現在9週齡檢體。反觀二場豬隻發生PCV2病毒血症為1至2週齡及9週齡以後,其問有5個(週齡)採樣點未發現病毒血症陽性檢體。


Periodical monitoring disease prevalence is important for impregnating the ground epidemiological information for renovating the control measures. We developed multiplex reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and multiplex polymerase chain reaction, by which, the types of PRRSV or PCV in buffy coat-enriched whole blood can be differentiated by the size of RT-PCR or PCR products respectively. In combination with the commercialized ELISA kits for detecting the antibodies against PRRSV type 2 or PCV2 in serum. Both blood and serum samples were taken from pigs of typical commercial pig farms by cross-sectional way at 1, 7, 14, 21, 42, 63, 84, 105 days of age. The results showed that the viremia; the early signal of PCV2 infection in pig, could be detected as early as 1-day-old but PRRSV type 2 infection were delayed until 9-week-old. The highest proportion of pigs that showing PRRSV viremia at 9 weeks of age, when the antibody-positive rate went up to the plateau level as well. The viremia ratio in two farms became diverged thereafter. On the other hand, the PCV2 viremia ratio peaked at 1 to 2 weeks of age and again at 9 weeks of age and remained high thereafter. Both PRRSV type 2 and PCV2 viremia occurred at 9-week-old piglets of studied farms revealed the interaction between these two viruses.


