  • 期刊

Phylogenetic Position of Dipentodon Sinicus: Evidence from DNA Sequences of Chloroplast rbcL, Nuclear Ribosomal 18S, and Mitochondria matR Genes

十齒花(Dipentodon sinicus)的系統位置-來自葉綠體rbcL、核核糖體18S和線粒體 matR 基因的DNA序列證據


十齒花科(Dipentodontaceae)在目前流行的有花植物分類系統(APG)中屬於位置未定的尖類群。本文採用 PCR 和自勤測序的方法獨得十齒花(Dipentodon sinicus)及若干相關類群的葉綠體rbcL 、核核糖體18S和線粒體matR基因的DNA序列。應用最大簡約法和具葉斯推斷法,對自測序列和 GenBank 下載序列組成的資料矩陣進行單基因和三基因聯合的分支分析及統計檢驗。結果表明:十齒花與銀鵲樹構成姐妹群,二者構成的分支與錦葵目和無患子目關係較近,不支持前人認為與衡矛科、天料目科、大風子科、金樓梅科以及檀香目等視親陰關係較近的顴點。


Phylogenetic position of the monotypic genus Dipentodon has long been controversial We investigated its position with 125 accessions representing 50 genera and 40 families of eudicots in the APG system. Four data sets including the chloroplast gene rbcL, the nuclear 18S ribosomal DNA, and the mitochondrial gene matR, as well as the combined matrix were used in the study with the maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. The phylogenetic trees based on individual genes and the combined data suggested that Dipentodon is sister to Tapi5cia (Tapisciaceae) and that Dipentodon could be placed in euroside II of the APG system The dade of Dipentodon and Tapi5cia is closest to Malvales and Sapindales Such finding does not support the previously suggested close relationship between Dipentodon and various other groups, including Celastraceae. Samydaceae, Flacourtiaceae, Hamamelidaceae, and Santalales.


TANG, C. Q., HUANG, D. S., HAN, P. B., SHEN, L. Q., LI, Y. F., LI, S., CHEN, Q., & ZHANG, Z. Y. (2019). Forest and population structure and regeneration dynamics of relict Dipentodon sinicus in southwestern China. TAIWANIA, 64(4), 396-408+s1-s3. https://doi.org/10.6165/tai.2019.64.396
