  • 期刊


A Case Study on the Experimental Gezixi "The Sou nds of Surfs Crashing on the Shores: MacKay, Taiwan's Son-in-Law"-Reflections on its Creation and the Traditional Performing Art Education




This article mainly represents the creations of the experimental Gezixi "The Sounds of Surfs Crashing on the Shores: MacKay, Taiwan's Son-in-Law." and its reflections on the education for fledging artists. From a short lyric piece to a feature length theatrical performance, this production went through four versions from its debut. This research is based on its evolution and will discuss the following aspects, the evolution of story, form, writing, directing, music, set design, marketing. It also argue the new teaching methods practiced as an organic connection between conventional apprenticeship which cooperated with this religious commissioned project as extensive classrooms for performing art majored students. Because this production is based on the autobiography of Rev. George Leslie MacKay (1844-1901), a westerner spent half of his life to preach and practice medicine on northern Taiwan during late 19th. Century, to present his life on stage in realism would be an unavoidable issue for Gezixi theater which employed abstract performing style as a long tradition. And the traditional performing skills could be restricted for actors to play an foreign figure from Canadian Presbyterianism. Yet, many modern vocabularies as well as the western costumes were rarely appeared in the past. The juxtaposition of this western, his language, culture and religious mission as a main theme on the traditional Gezixi stage is challenging. This experiment is definitely a case of responding, when traditional Gezixi performing arts facing modern subjects. The reflection on its practice could be valuable for contemporary Gezixi arts and its innovation in educating traditional theater majored students.


馬偕、 麥唐納編輯林晚生譯(2007)。福爾摩沙紀事:馬偕臺灣回憶錄。臺北市:前衛出版社。
