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Reflections on Teaching Students with Mathematics Learning Disabilities Addition Arithmetic Strategies: An Elementary Resource Teacher's Perspective




數學 學習障礙 加法 計算策略


It has been found that students with mathematics learning disabilities are different from normal peers in their counting and arithmetic strategies. This article aims to discuss how resource teachers adapt teaching methods to meet the needs of students with mathematics learning disabilities. Several studies have found that first grade students with mathematics learning disabilities have difficulties in retrieving the basic arithmetic facts directly, and do not show adaptive shifts in using strategies or combine multiple strategies as normal peers do. In contrast, they use finger counting strategy to resolve simple addition problems. The author, an experienced elementary resource teacher, developed new teaching methods based on previous studies and her observation in the classrooms. In addition, these methods have also been introduced to general education teachers. Finally, the author suggested that both resource and general education teachers should work together in the best interest of students.


連文宏、洪儷瑜(2017)。數學學障與數學合併閱讀障礙國中生計算能力表現之特徵及其差異分析。台灣數學教育學刊,4(1),35-62。doi: 0210.6278/ tjme.20170317.0
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