

孫劉聯盟指的是漢末孫權集團與劉備集團之間的聯盟,它形成於東漢獻帝建安十三年(西元二○八年),赤壁之戰的前夕。荊州是孫權、劉備、曹操三個集團必爭之地,孫權想奪取荊州作為西防要地,劉備想把荊州作為將來爭奪天下的基地,曹操把荊州作為兼併江東的跳板。曹操奪佔荊州,促成勢力較弱的孫權、劉備結成聯盟,共同抵抗勢力較強的曹操。 赤壁之戰包括四次戰役:赤壁遭遇戰、烏林火攻戰、華容追擊戰與江陵包圍戰。赤壁之戰的結果,曹操失敗,但仍佔荊州北部;孫權佔領荊州中部;劉備佔領荊州南部,赤壁之戰奠定了三國形成的基礎。


孫劉聯盟 荊州 赤壁 火攻


”Sun-Liu Alliance” was the strategic alliance bwtween Sun Ch'uan and Liu Pei formed in Han Shian Ti 13th year (208 A. D.), before the Chr Bi War. Jing Jou was a strategic place over which the Sun Ch'uan intended to use it as a fortress against enemies from west. Liu Pei wanted to build it as the base for fulfilling his ambition as the Emperor. Ts'ao Ts'ao planned to take it as the bvridgehead for coquering Jiang Dung. Eventually Ts'ao Ts'ao got Jing Jou. This resulted in the two weaker groups, Sun Ch'uan and Liu Pei, to form an alliance to fight against the more powerful Ts'ao Ts'ao. Chr Bi War included four campaigns: happen campaign at Chr Bi, fire attack campaign at Wu Ling, pursue and attack campaign at Hua Rong, surround campaign at Jiang Ling. The result of Chr Bi War , Ts'ao Ts'ao was defeated, but he still occupied the northland of Jing Jou. Sun Ch'uan occupied the centralland of Jing Jou. Liu Pei occupied the southland of Jing Jou. Chr Bi War settled the foundation and putted in shape of Three Kingdoms.


Sun-Liu Alliance Jing Jou Chr Bi Fire attack




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