  • 期刊


The Cleaning Efficiency of Root Canals after Preparation with 30/0.06 GT Rotary Instruments


根管治療的目的,在於達成根管系統的清潔與修形,並將修形過後之根管系統作良好的充填與封閉。因此,如何同時達到良好的清潔與成功的修形,一直是根管治療醫師所關心的議題。本研究之目的主要是藉由觀察在經由GT鎳-鈦旋轉器械修形至30/0.06號數後之根管管壁上所殘存之殘屑及塗抹層數量,來探討以鎳-鈦旋轉器械修形至30/0.06後之根管清潔效益是否足夠。 本實驗包括20個根管,利用GT鎳-鈦旋轉根管銼(System GT Rotary Files)配合冠端向下法(crown-down technique)加以修形至30/0.06。在實驗過程中並配合5.25%之次氯酸鈉溶液及17%之EDTA溶液作沖洗。之後將牙根縱劈,並利用掃瞄式電子顯微鏡觀察縱劈後牙根根管壁之冠部、中部及根尖部,在200倍下觀察其殘屑含量,在1000倍下觀察其塗抹層含量,並加以評分。將結果使用統計軟體加以分析。 結果顯示,在根尖部之殘屑及塗抹層殘留都是三個部位中最多者,且分析之結果與冠部及中部具有顯著差異性。 由以上結果可發現:若以鎳-鈦旋轉器械修形至30/06,其清潔效益並不理想,且根尖部之清潔率為整個根管之中最差者。


The success of root canal therapy is related with optimal root canal shaping and cleanliness. How to improve the quality of cleaning and shaping at the same time was interested by the dentists. The aim of this study was to investigate the root canal cleanliness of the coronal, middle and apical levels after preparation with 30/.06 Ni-Ti rotary instruments. Twenty canals were included in this study. System GT Rotary Files were used to prepare the root canals with crown-down technique. The canals were shaped with Ni-Ti alloys in tapers of 0.06 and the apical stop size was 30. The 5.25% NaOCl and 17% EDTA were used to enhance the cleanliness. After the roots were split longitudinally, the scanning electron microscope (SEM) study was to compare the cleanliness of the root canal walls at low (x 200) and high (x 1000) magnifications at the coronal, middle and apical levels to calculate the amounts of debris and smear layer. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences in the amounts of debris and smear layer. The highest scores of the debris and smear layer were found in the apical third, and a significant difference were between apical and coronal third, and between apical and middle third. In summary, the root canal cleanliness of the apical third was the worst than the others. And the cleaning efficiency of root canals after preparation with 30/.06 Ni-Ti rotary instruments was insufficiency.
