  • 期刊


Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS)-Development and the Status Quo


台灣智慧財產管理規範(TIPS)自2003年由經濟部智慧財產局委託財團法人資訊工業策進會科技法律中心執行以來,積極從事智慧財產管理之研究、規範研擬、人員培訓等事務,後於2005年改由經濟部工業局從事產業推廣的工作,目前TIPS已定位爲由企業或組織自行導入,並由資策會科技法律中心與相關人員協助國內廠商建立系統化的智慧財產管理制度。TIPS將促使廠商將現有實體設備與智慧財產管理制度互相結合,建立一套簡便、有效率且低成本的管理系統,擺脫以往零散管理的方式。 TIPS不僅運用PDCA管理循環的模式,可配合廠商的營運策略適當地修訂智慧財產管理政策與目標,並建立智慧財產相關事務的處理流程或作業方式,結合內部稽核、矯正預防措施等,發揮智慧財產管理制度的最大效益。而且在歷經研究發展、示範導入至全面推廣等階段的工作,TIPS推行體系已協助國內10多家廠商建立智慧財產管理制度,50家廠商獲得診斷輔導之服務,並提供數百家次廠商有關智慧財產管理的諮詢輔導等。最終希望除協助廠商建立智慧財產管理制度外,也透過未來的推行規劃,加強國內廠商管理與運用其智慧財產。如此不但能使企業或組織重視智慧財產管理,亦可促進國內智慧財產技術服務業之發展,相輔相成不斷地創新與成長,讓台灣往「智慧島」之名邁進。


Recognizing the growing importance of intellectual property in today's knowledge-based economy and the apparent lacking of experience and resource for self-developing an internal intellectual property management system in most Taiwan companies, in 2003 The Intellectual Property Office (the task was later transferred to the Industrial Development Bureau in 2005) of the Ministry of Economics Affairs appointed the Science and Technology Law Center, an unit under the Institute for Information Industry to establish a standardized guidelines named ”Taiwan Intellectual Property Management System (TIPS)”. The TIPS guideline aims to provide guidance for establishing a cost-effective IP management system by incorporating the IP management strategies into an organization's management activities. TIPS was developed based on the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA) cycle which requires continuously checking, auditing and adjusting management policy and corporate objectives so that the best IP management system can be established. So far, more than 10 companies and organizations have successfully built their internal IP management systems based on TIPS; 50 enterprises have assessed the effectiveness and adequacy of their existing IP management infrastructures and hundreds of companies and organizations have received the TIPS diagnostic and implementation advises offered by the consulting team in the Science and Technology Law Center. Apart from assisting local enterprises to build up their own internal intellectual property management system, TIPS further aims to enhance the awareness of the importance and value of its IP assets within a corporate so that the added-value of these intangible assets can be maximized. Implementing TIPS can also facilitate innovation processes and promote the growth of the local IP service industry, bringing Taiwan closer to its goal of becoming an ”Intelligence Island”.


