  • 期刊


Utilities and Virtues: On John Stuart Mill's Utilitarianism




Contemporary ethicians assume that duty ethics, which focuses on right and wrong (like utilitarianism and deontology), cannot adequately delineate the importance of virtues among all moral judgments. For example, utilitarianism can instrumentalize virtues, turning them into values that can be sacrificed at will. Furthermore, the instrumentalization of virtues makes the cultivation of excellent character pointless and the consistence between character and behavior values hardly possible. This paper is intended to explore how Mill seeks to define virtues in terms of his utilitarianism and analyze why his perspective cannot deal with the criticism from the camp of virtue ethics. At last, it will be noted that the reason why Mill's utilitarianism cannot fulfill the contemporary virtue ethicians' requirements lies primarily in: with his attempt to define the relationship between virtues and happiness at the levels of logic and psychology, virtues may still be instrumentalized and, moreover, lead to the incongruity between character and behaviors.


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柯政昌(2013)。不能放棄的生命?──以Joel Feinberg柔性法律家長主義反思加工自殺罪〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2013.00618
