  • 期刊


Topic: Between Homeworld and Alienworld: Waldenfels on Interculturality


本文藉由當代德國現象學者瓦登菲爾斯(Bernhard Waldenfels, 1934-)的觀點來看文化的問題,特別是文化之間的關係。瓦登菲爾斯認為不同文化之間存在著文化間際性(Interkulturalität),它所代表的乃是「我群世界」和別的文化族群「他群世界」之間的文化交融性(Verschränkung),此一交融性構成了文化與文化之間相互溝通的基礎。這種相互交融性有可能解消於將他人「佔為己有」(Aneignung)的現象或者解消自我的「化為他有」(Enteignung)現象,文化之間的溝通互動因此嚴重受到阻礙。本文將先闡釋瓦登菲爾斯的哲學基本概念「他者」(das Fremde),接下來談我群世界與他群世界之間的關係,以及此相互交融性如何受到扭曲。


The problematic of culture, with a focus on the intercultural relationship, is investigated in the framework of Waldenfels' phenomenological thinking. Beginning with Husserl's discourse of experiencing-the-other (Fremderfahrung) and relationship between ”homeworld” (Heimwelt) and ”alienworld” (Fremdwelt), he denounces the ego-centric position of Husserl and proposes to make clear the original meaning of ”the other” (das Fremde). The intertwining relationship between self and other, the ”homeworld” and the ”alienworld,” which is advocated by Waldenfels, will be made clear in my paper. The distorted form of such an intertwining relationship through appropriating the other (Aneignung) as well as the consequence of this distortion is also going to be explored.