  • 期刊


Introduction to the Corresponding Relationships between "Dao is Substance, Technology is Function", "Technology is Substance, Dao is Function" and Chinese Modern Culture




道體器用 器體道用 文化 文化基礎 文化結構


”Chinese studies for substance, Western studies for function” was one of the major expressions of modern China integrating western culture into it's own culture. But actually has not been solved the problem of that. Get to the bottom of it. The reason is the expressive concept of ”Substance” and ”Function” still have its special philosophy meaning and the historic tradition. So that still couldn't suit in the problem of Chinese modern culture for solving, the inside concept and outside fact have lost contact, and the thinking road doesn't pass the problem. This article primary intention is inspecting above thinking road and meaning how to correspond with the problem of Chinese modem culture again. Including the correspondence after ”Dao” ”Technology” thought to connect ”Substance” ”Function” concept on solving the cultural problem, and the corresponding relationship between the two great Chinese philosophic thoughts: ”Dao is substance, Technology is function”, ”Technology is substance, Dao is function” and the structure of a culture, base of a culture, as well as the principle of ”One function always follow one substance”, and the further induct the meaning of above thinking road which presents in different levels of modern culture. At the Last, the conclusion is, pursues the tradition and technology should be compatible and gathers, but do not collide for the culture continues forever always is our mission.
