  • 期刊


An Introduction to Brzozowski-The First "Western Marxist" in Poland


本文主旨在於簡述柏左卓夫斯基之生平大要,以及其思想淵源與發展,並討論他的思想與馬克思主義之間的關連。為何柏左卓夫斯基的思想並未能如盧森堡、盧卡奇與葛蘭西等「西馬」思想家般大放異彩,甚至不受西方思想界所重視。其原因乃是因為柏左卓夫斯基的思想充滿文藝創作理念與民族情操,同時對於波蘭民族主義的發揚不遠餘力。且其本人並未加入過共產黨,只以文藝批判者自詡, 卻從未主動表明自身為馬克思主義信徒及擁護者,而使得馬派理論家將之掃除於「正統」馬克思思想之外。此外,他對歷史的看法以及對實踐問題的陳述,帶著濃厚的德國古典觀念論(唯心主義)的味道,因而被「官方」馬克思主義者斥為「異端」。上述問題與爭論的析評,成為本文主要的內容。筆者透過對柏氏行動哲學之闡述以及其思想內涵的深入探索,會發現他是一位波蘭首位的「西方馬克思主義者」。是故藉由本文之析述,希望能引起文化界、思想界和學術界重新檢討「西馬」和「馬克思主義」的定義, 並使柏左卓夫斯基的思想能為華文學界所關注。


The treatise mainly deals with the Polish philosopher Brzozowski's thought. It sketches his life and writings and discusses his relations to Orthodox Marx ism. The recent research reveals him as inclined to Western Marx ism. However, unlike other thinkers of Western Marxism such as Lukács and Gramsci his intellectual position was controversial and not unquestionably accepted by the Western world. The reason may be found in his overwhelming devotion to the study of Polish arts, literature and nationhood. Polish nationalism was more close to his heart than Marxism. Thus, he was stripped of the name of a Marxist by official Marxism which condemned and treated him as a deviator and betrayer due to his idea blended with classical German Idealism. The above-mentioned controversy may be clarified through revisit of his theory of history and practice. This article aims at illuminations and evaluations by Brzozowski's contribution to Marxism.


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