  • 期刊


The Impact of Globalization on Administrative Organization of School: World Wide Web as an Example


現今學校組織的行政處理已逐漸利用全球資訊網的功能特性,以減輕學校人力資源的工作負擔,全球資訊網成為組織變革的重要因素之一,它導致全球化的加速來臨,也開啟學校行政組織轉型的危機與轉機。 本研究乃以文獻分析與省思批判為方法,從全球化的趨勢挑戰為出發,理解全球資訊網在學校組織改革中的重要地位,包括對於提升組織行政績效、增加組織成員溝通,縮短城鄉數位落差等,並且批判資訊科技導向的行政革新中,所隱含權力宰制與主體性弱化現象,特別是對於組織調整或行政簡化所帶來的就業、勞逸不均、異化現象,以及組織文化價值的影響。綜合研究結論之後,本研究對學校提出以下建議:學校組織應整合全球資訊網優點,建立學校顧客導向的高彈性組織;學校校長應維護個體在組織角色中的職權倫理,使組織成員不被全球資訊網的社會行為模式所混淆;學校組織成員在以全球資訊網為媒介的全球化潮流中,應該多關注屬於非經濟利益考量的議題。


It is pervasive that our schools have been adopting web service into administration in order to reduce labor workload. The adoption of global web communications has been an important factor for studying the changing faces of organizations, because it has not only fasten the coming age of globalization, it has also reveled the risk and prosperity of transforming the school organizations. This study has based on literature analysis and critical reflective methodology to investigate the impact of globalization on school administration, and it has drawn the foci on: how it has promoted the administrative efficiency, how it has facilitated the dialogue between staff, how it has diminished the gap in digital development between cities and remote areas. This study has also looked at the impact of adopting communication technology on the power structure in schools, especially on the aspects of employment, labor equity, organization's culture and value. In summarizing the findings, there are some suggestions given as follows: 1. schools should adopt the advantages of global web communications, and make their organization highly flexible in providing the needs of customer; 2. School principals should reflect on their ethnic values, and ensure their members comfortable with the communicative models of globalization; 3. in the flow of globalization, all school members should draw their attention beyond economic-profit issues by using this global communicative system.


朱道凱譯、P. Hirst、G. Thompson著(2002)。全球化迷思。台北:群學。
