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  • OpenAccess


Using Micromorphology to Interpret the Genesis of Tropical Forest Solis in the Nanjenshan Area of Taiwan





At the Nanjaishan long-term ecological research (LTER) site of Kenting National Park in southern Taiwan, 6 soil pedons were selected from the summit, backslope, and footslope positions along the Wanliteshan and Nanjenshan toposequences. The objectives of this study are to describe the soil micromorphological characteristics as well as to interpret clay accumulation and the pedogenic processes of tropical forest soils. The results indicate that 3 soil pedons at the Wanliteshan toposequence are classified as Paleudults. Clay accumulations in their Bt horizons were from illuviation and in situ weathering, with the latter being the major source. The illuvial clay with well-oriented arrangement showed as clay coatings, but in situ weathered clay did not show the orientation arrangement. The micromorphological characteristics and genetic process of the soils at the summit position in the Nanjenshan toposequence are similar to these of Wanliteshan. But the soils in the N-2 pedon at the backslope and the N-3 pedon at the toeslope, classified as Dystrudepts, only showed weak microstructural development and altered primary minerals. The pedogenic processes in the study area within the LTER site are proposed as follows: Ultisols forming association with high clay content in the stable landscape, high temperature and precipitation, alternating wet and dry cycles, and good vegetation cover. In the unstable landscape associated with steep slopes, the soils have only developed as Inceptisols through weak leaching processes.


