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Effects of New Waterborne Wood Preservatives on the Durability and Thermal Properties of Wood



本研究目的在於評估水溶性木材防腐藥劑鉻化砷酸銅(chromated copper arsenate, CCA)、銅烷基銨化合物(ammoniacal copper quats, ACQ)、當耐力CY(tanalith CY, TCY)與銅硼唑化合物(ammoniacal copper azole, CuAz)等對於木材耐腐朽性、抗白蟻性與燃燒性之影響。試材係分別以125、25、5%濃度之CCA,2、4、6%濃度之ACQ、TCY或CuAz等以滿細胞加壓法處理,再依據ASTM D1413-76 (1999)、AWPA El-97 (1999)標準方法及熱重量分析儀等,分別進行室內實木塊耐腐朽性、抗白蟻性與燃燒性等試驗。試驗結果顯示:三種新型水溶性木材防腐藥劑ACQ、TCY與CuAz處理材之耐腐朽性與抗白蟻性均極佳,其耐三種褐腐菌(Fomitopsis pinicola, Laetiporus sulphureus, Gloeophyllum trabeum)、耐白腐菌(Trametes versicolor)及抗白蟻性之功效與CCA處理材相當;以2%濃度之ACQ、TCY或CuAz處理試材,在經過四種腐朽菌接菌12周與白蟻飼養4周試驗後,其重量損失率均小於2%、白蟻死亡率均為100%,顯示其藥劑具有優異之木材防腐與抗白蟻效能;處理材經熱重量分析儀之燃燒性試驗顯示,各處理材之燃燒性質因通氣環境不同而異,在氮氣下之焦炭量隨處理藥劑濃度增加而增加,在空氣下之燃燒性則因處理藥劑種類而有所差異。


Preservatives, including chromated copper arsenate (CCA), ammoniacal copper quats (ACQ), tanalith CY (TCY), and ammoniacal copper azole (CuAz) were applied. Tested specimens were respectively impregnated with a preservative solution at 1.25, 2.5, and 5.0% w/w for CCA, and at 2, 4, and 6% w/w for ACQ, TCY, and CuAz using a full-cell process under pressure treatment. Fungal decay resistance, termite resistance, and the thermal properties of the treated wood were evaluated according to ASTM standard D1413-76 (1999), AWPA E1-97 (1999), and a thermogravimetric analysis. Results revealed that wood treated with ACQ, TCY, or CuAz was effective in resisting attack by 3 brown rot fungi (Fomitopsis pinicola, Laetiporus sulphureus, and Gloeophyllum trabeum), white rot fungus (Trametes versicolor), and termites (Coptotermes formosanus). Similar results were also found for CCA-treated wood. Weight losses of 2% ACQ-, TCY-, and CuAz-treated wood blocks were less than 2% after inoculation with brown rot and white rot fungi for 12 wk, indicating that such treatments resulted in good effectiveness against fungi deterioration. After 4 wk of feeding, the mortality of termites was 100% using 2% ACQ-, TCY-, and CuAz- treated blocks, indicating that such treatments resulted in good effectiveness against termite attack. Moreover, char yields of treated wood were significantly improved at higher concentrations of preservative treatment in a nitrogen atmosphere with the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). However, differences in thermal properties were observed among all treatments in an air atmosphere with the TGA.


