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The Using of Chinese Medicine Decoction, Jing-Guan-Fang, in Confirmed Cases and Their Exposed Family of COVID-19 Infection




COVID-19, as one kind of pandemic diseases, conforms to the concept of plaque proposed by Wu's academic work "On Warm Epidemics" that patients were infected with a certain substance in air, neither extreme climate nor changes in nature. This disease also fit to the description of warm disease recorded in ancient books. Its symptoms, such as high fever, cough, dyspnea, hypoxia, diarrhea, and etc., also correspond to the transmission and transmutation of " defense, qi, nutrient and blood pattern ". According to domestic and foreign studies, household contacts is an important route of transmission of COVID-19. In this article we present the effects of the Chinese medicine decoction, Jing-Guan-Fang (JGF), in the treatment of confirmed cases and associated household contacts: in one confirmed case who underwent combined treatment with Remdesivir and JGF, the symptoms improved quickly and the patient was discharged earlier than expected; and in high risk contacts none developed COVID-19 infection. The results indicated that JFG can drain the heat of upper fire, release the flesh, and make pathogen declined. JFG instantly stop transmission and transmutation, reduce the progress of the disease. For high-risk contacts and quarantined people, it can also provide possible preventive effects. The JKF can provide a good treatment choice for many clinical situations.


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