  • 期刊

Osseous Choristoma of the Tongue: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature







A 30-year-old female patient presented with a pedunculated hard mass on the right dorsal tongue base for one year. The lesion was excised and histopathologic examination showed an osseous choristoma. Review of the English-language literature revealed a total of 57 reported cases of osseous choristoma including the present case. The lesion occurred predominantly in females with a female to male ratio of 2.8: 1 and in the posterior dorsum of the tongue near the circumvallate papillae or the foramen cecum (75.4%). Other locations for the tumor occurrence included the middle third of the dorsum of the tongue (5.2%), ventral surface of the tongue (1.8%), buccal mucosa (14.0%), retromolar pad (1.8%), and lingual aspect of the alveolar process of the anterior mandible (1.8%). Microscopically, the lesion presents as a circumscribed mass of dense lamellar bone. It is usually treated by simple surgical removal and recurrence is rare. Only one recurrent case of the buccal mucosa and one malignant osseous tumor of the tongue have been reported in the literature. The etiology and pathogenesis of the tumor still remain obscure.


osseous choristoma osteoma tongue
