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作者(外文):Li, Min-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Factors Affecting Individual Perceptions of Social Capital - the Application of Interactive Networking Platform
外文關鍵詞:bridging social capitalbonding social capitalnorms of reciprocitytrust
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關鍵詞: 架接性社會資本、黏著性社會資本、互惠規範、信任
Recently, Interactive networking platform is to be a popular trend in Taiwan such as online games, bulletin board, virtual communities etc. People on the interactive platform can have a "social interaction" with other internet users and get a personal social network. People got online social network is a valuable resource from social capital theory. This paper shows an impact on social capital person perceived from online interactive platform. The development of a structural model based on social capital theory, and the model with six variables: interaction tie, shared values, trust, norms of reciprocity, bonding social capital person perceived, and bridging social capital person perceived. People ever used the Internet to meet or know other Internet users by interactive platform are studied. The study method is by questionnaires. This paper collected samples from several interactive platforms. Finally, this study collected 960 questionnaires, 865 questionnaires were valid, the valid return rate of 90.1%. This paper randomly selected 350 samples for empirical analysis by structural equation model. The findings of study are as follows,
Norms of reciprocity is significantly directly affect bridging and bonding social capital person perceived and is the main affected factor. Norms of reciprocity, has mediating effect between interaction tie and shared values, is a mediate variable affect the individual perceived social capital. In addition, trust is the core of social capital theory, but in this study found "interaction" is not significantly positively to affect the trust. Moreover, trust does not have a positive influence on bridging and bonding social capital person perceived.
By the structural model found online interpersonal development of social capital person perceived need to establish norms of reciprocity, which can positively influenced on trust, is positively influence on social capital. People with different purposes participated interactive networking platform, but trust of users is not easy by the positive impact of online social interaction; hence, trust is not a mediator. Finally, according to result of this article, building up norms of reciprocity, which has mutual benefit, is a main factor for online social capital and affect people perceived.

Key words: bridging social capital, bonding social capital, norms of reciprocity, trust
中文摘要........................................................................................................................ i
英文摘要....................................................................................................................... ii
誌謝辭.......................................................................................................................... iii
第一章 緒論................................................................................................................. 1
第一節 研究背景與動機..............................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的..........................................................................................................2
第三節 研究流程..........................................................................................................3

第二章 文獻探討.........................................................................................................4
第一節 社會資本概述..................................................................................................4
第二節 社會資本三構面…..........................................................................................9
第三節 社會資本功能面............................................................................................16
第四節 社會資本測量................................................................................................18
第五節 社會資本與網際網路....................................................................................20
第六節 網路互動平台…............................................................................................23

第三章 研究方法…...................................................................................................37
第一節 研究架構與假說…........................................................................................37
第二節 研究變數定義與操作化................................................................................42
第三節 分析方法........................................................................................................47
第四節 研究對象與抽樣............................................................................................50

第四章 研究結果.......................................................................................................52
第一節 基本敘述統計分析........................................................................................52
第二節 信度與效度分析…........................................................................................56
第三節 構念效度之驗證性因素分析........................................................................61
第四節 結構模型配適度…........................................................................................70
第五節 假設檢定與路徑分析…................................................................................74

第五章 結論與建議...................................................................................................76
第一節 研究結果討論與貢獻....................................................................................76
第二節 研究限制與建議…........................................................................................77

表2-1 社會資本之定義..............................................................................................6
表2-2 社會資本之層級..............................................................................................7
表2-3 線上/線下人際關係的分類………………………………...........................21
表2-4 網路互動平台的分類整理............................................................................35
表3-1 互動行為之操作化………............................................................................42
表3-2 信任之操作化................................................................................................43
表3-3 互惠規範之操作化........................................................................................44
表3-4 共同價值之操作化........................................................................................45
表3-5 黏著性社會資本之操作化............................................................................45
表3-6 架接性社會資本之操作化............................................................................46
表3-7 前測各構面信度分析....................................................................................51
表4-1 樣本性別分布................................................................................................52
表4-2 樣本年齡分布................................................................................................53
表4-3 樣本使用網路互動平台經驗分布................................................................53
表4-4 樣本每周使用網路平台的總時數分布........................................................54
表4-5 樣本最常使用網路互動平台分布................................................................55
表4-6 樣本透過哪一個互動平台認識網友分布....................................................56
表4-7 各構面Cronbach’s α值、組成信度…………………….............................57
表4-8 驗證性因素分析之標準化因素負荷量結果與對應問項............................58
表4-9 兩兩區別效度分析結果................................................................................70
表4-10 結構模型之假設驗證結果............................................................................73
表4-11 結構模型之路徑效果分析............................................................................75
圖1-1 本研究流程圖……………………..……………............................................3
圖2-1 社會資本的維度與價值創造之間的關係……………................................15
圖3-1 本研究架構....................................................................................................37
圖4-1 互動行為一階CFA修正前後構念圖...........................................................62
圖4-2 共同價值一階CFA修正前後構念圖...........................................................63
圖4-3 信任一階CFA修正前後構念圖...................................................................64
圖4-4 互惠規範一階CFA修正前後構念圖...........................................................65
圖4-5 黏著性社會資本一階CFA修正前後構念圖...............................................66
圖4-6 架接性社會資本一階CFA修正前後構念圖...............................................67圖4-7 結構模型路徑圖............................................................................................72
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