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作者(外文):Cheng-Chieh Su
論文名稱(外文):VP Ellipsis in Mandarin Chinese: A Minimalist Approach
指導教授(外文):Wei-tien Dylan Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Mandarin ChineseVP EllipsisMinimalismFocus PhraseTopic Phrasee-Givenness
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本文討論漢語的動詞組刪略結構,並以微言主義(Minimalism)的精神加以分析。在前人的研究基礎上,本文提出漢語有四種句法結構(也是、也有、沒有、情態助動詞)包含了動詞組刪略。漢語的動詞組刪略是以焦點為基礎的架構下分析。其中焦點詞組(Focus Phrase)之上尚有主題詞組(Topic Phrase),而其下則下轄刪略的動詞組或其他的功能詞組。刪略子句中的主語事實上是帶有焦點成份的主題,而動詞前的副詞(也、沒)則是出現在焦點詞組指示語位置的焦點成份。依據微言主義(Minimalism)的精神,在特徵檢驗的機制(feature-checking mechanism)下分析,刪略子句中的主語即是檢驗主題特徵,而動詞前的副詞則是檢驗焦點特徵。針對刪略詞組的語意信息要求,本文提出的動詞組刪略結構可以滿足刪略給予條件(e-Givenness Condition)。
本文進一步的主張,儘管漢語呈現“有”的用法看似具有低於詞組層次的刪略現象,事實上刪略的層次仍然具有詞組的句法地位。此外,雖然漢語的從屬結構沒有明顯的刪略屬性,本文認為部分的從屬結構的確牽涉了動詞組刪略。英語的動詞組刪略結構傾向是句法上的限制,而漢語則傾向是句法與語意上的限制。尾末由跨語言的研究上觀察,在非動詞提升至時態(no V to T)的語言當中,漢語在動詞組刪略結構上與英語一致,在空賓語結構(Null Object Construction)上則是與日語以及韓語相同。
The thesis aims to study Chinese VP ellipsis construction under a Minimalist Approach. It is proposed that there are four constructions relating to VP ellipsis in Chinese, i.e. ye-shi, ye-you, mei-you, and modal. The constructions involving VP ellipsis can be captured under a hypothesis in which a Focus Phrase, dominated by a Topic Phrase, immediately dominates the elided VP or other functional projection. Subject in the target clause is in fact a focus topic while preverbal adverbials like ye and mei locate the specifier of FP with respect to their focus nature in Chinese. Under the feature-checking mechanism, the subject and the focus element are merged to eliminate the [Topic] and [Focus] feature. Within the previously known requirement
that elided phrases express semantically entailment information, the proposed VP ellipsis constructions satisfy the e-Givenness Condition.
It emerges from the thesis that rejecting that presentational use of you construes a lower ellipsis site (v’ or V’) it is suggested that what elided in the case be a phrasal level. Although Chinese subordinate structures seem to be blurred in its ellipsis nature, some of which are subject to VP ellipsis construction. From a cross-linguistic investigation, it is further suggested that in languages with no V to T movement, Chinese has VP ellipsis on a par with English on the one hand, and patterns together with Japanese and Korean on having Null Object Construction on the other.
1.1 Minimalism Program 1
1.2 Overview of the Thesis 3
2.1 Introduction 6
2.2 Literature Review on English VP Ellipsis 7
2.3 Literature Review on Ellipsis Approach 15
2.3.1 PF Deletion Theory 15
2.3.2 LF Copying Theory 16
2.4 Literature Review on Chinese VP Ellipsis 18
2.4.1 Wu (2002) 18
2.4.2 Comments on Wu’s Analysis 23
2.4.3 Li (2002) 26
2.4.4 Comments on Li’s Analysis 30
2.5 Summary 33
3.1 Introduction 37
3.2 Subject and Adverb in VP Ellipsis 37
3.2.1 Subject as a Topic 37
3.2.2 Preverbal Adverbial as the Focused Element 39
3.3 Data and Analyses in a Minimalist Approach 41
3.3.1 Ye-shi Construction 41
3.3.2 Ye-you Construction 44
3.3.3 Mei-you Construction 49
3.3.4 Modal Construction 53
3.4 E-Givenness Condition 59
3.5 Summary 62
4.1 Introduction 64
4.2 Two Other Types of Verb 64
4.2.1 Intransitive Verb 65
4.2.2 Ditransitive Verb 67
4.3 Lower Ellipsis Site 68
4.4 Subordinate Structure- A Comparative Study in English and Chinese 74
4.5 VP Ellipsis in a Cross-Linguistic Investigation 81
4.6 Summary 88
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