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論文名稱(中文):二點觸控面板自動描圖測試機開發以Win 7作業系統相容性Logo認證為例
外文關鍵詞:Multi-TouchresistancecapacitanceLogo certificationWindows 7
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自2007年Apple推出搭配 3.5吋能支援Multi-Touch功能的投射電容式多點觸控螢幕 iPhone 後,在全球即掀起一陣觸控螢幕風潮風潮。2009年10月Microsoft發表支援多點觸控操作介面的Windows 7作業平台,多點觸控技術、人性化操作介面的風潮將不斷地延燒,並已成為全球各業界亟欲投資開發的技術。
WHQL是微軟內部專門負責“Designed for Windows”認證的機構,其全名為Windows Hardware Quality Labs。Windows Logo認證是確保該裝置能夠在Windows 7系統平台上順利的運作。因此,經過微軟Windows 7作業系統的硬體相容性測試並獲得認證,不僅在Windows 7 作業系統下能夠發揮最佳的效能,更擁有最佳的相容性與穩定性。由於目前台灣微軟Logo認證,依認證規範“Windows Touch Test”文件說明,共有14個項目與量測步驟,每個步驟目前仍處於人工方式,以單手指或雙手指觸摸觸控螢幕並依面板上顯示目標圖案路徑(S)起始點描繪至(E)結束點。
本研究主要開發一種可以模擬人二根手指頭運動的「二點觸控面板自動描圖測試機」,可以運用在Windows 7作業系統相容性Logo認證測試自動化。
預期本研究所開發的「二點觸控面板自動描圖測試機」,將取代人為不確定因素與誤判,以自動化設備提昇驗證工作準確性和再現性,並符合認證要求規範INPUT-0046 “Windows Touch digitizers provide a high quality input experience”的準確和偏差要求值。
Since Apple unveiled iPhone in 2007, which features a 3.5-inch projective capacitive multi-touch panel, it has brought a whirlwind of multi-touch technology. Subsequently, Microsoft launched Windows 7 in October 2009, which is a platform providing supports for the multi-touch interface. It is beyond doubt that multi-touch technology and human interface are the big trends, and attracts the eyes of global investors.
WHQL stands for Windows Hardware Quality Labs, which is a division of Microsoft, and is responsible for the certification of “Designed for Windows”. Windows Logo Certification ensures the device works well on the Windows 7 platform. Therefore, a certified device that passed Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Test can not only achieve the best performance under Windows 7 operating system, but also with optimal compatibility and stability. According to “Windows Touch Test” which validates the logo requirements, there are 14 necessary tests for Microsoft Logo Certification. However, each test needs to be executed manually at present, one or two fingers touch the panel and to move then from the starting point (S) to the ending point (E) along the line shown on the panel.
This research aims at developing an “auto-plotting two-contact touch panel tester”, which can simulate the movements of two fingers, and this tester can be applied to the automation of Windows 7 logo and compatibility certification tests.
We anticipate the “auto-plotting two-contact touch panel tester” can reduce the Human operating uncertainty and incorrect judgments, increase the accuracy of certification procedure with the automatic equipment, and meet the requirements for precision and deviation of INPUT-0046 “Windows Touch digitizers provide a high quality input experience.”
中 文 摘 要 ------------------- 2
英 文 摘 要 ------------------- 3
目 錄 ----------------------- 5
圖 目 錄 --------------------- 7
表 目 錄 --------------------- 9
第一章 緒論 ----------------- 10
1-1 研究動機 ------------- 10
1-2 研究目的 ------------- 11
第二章 相關技術探討 --------- 12
2-1 電阻式(Resistive)觸控面板技術 ------ 12
2-2 電容式(Capacitive)觸控面板技術--------14
2-2-1表面電容式(Surface Capacitive) ------ 15
2-2-2投射電容式(Projective Capacitive) --- 16
2-3音波式(Surface Acoustic Wave)觸控面板技術---17
2-6 Windows觸控手勢定義------------------------------19
2-7 Windows Logo 認證要求----------------------------20
2-8 Windows Touch Test ------------------------------22
2-9 Windows Touch Test 測試畫面----------------------24
第三章 研究方法 -------------------------------------26
3-1 系統架構 ------------------------------------26
3-1-1 七軸移動平台設計概念----------------------26
3-1-2 測試筆設計概念----------------------------27
3-1-3 觸控筆筆頭設計----------------------------------28
3-2 元件規格 ----------------------------------------29
3-3系統規格 -------------------------------------30
3-4機台製作 -----------------------------------------32
第四章 實驗結果與可行性分析---------------------------33
4-1 實驗目的-----------------------------------------33
4-2 實驗設計-----------------------------------------33
4-2-1 測試樣品規格------------------------------------33
4-2-2 認證受測者條件----------------------------------34
4-2-3 認證條件與規則說明----------------------------- 35
4-3 實驗進行-----------------------------------------35
4-3-1 徒手進行認證實驗------------------------------- 35
4-3-1-1徒手進行認證實驗結果-------------------------- 36
4-3-2 「二點觸控面板自動描圖測試機」進行認證實驗------38
4-3-2-1 觸筆運動軸向規劃----------------------------- 38
4-3-2-2 「二點觸控面板自動描圖測試機」實驗結果------- 42
4-4 實驗結果與分析---------------------------------- 44
4-4-1實驗結果---------------------------------------- 44
4-4-2可行性分析-------------------------------------- 44
第五章 結論------------------------------------------ 45
5-1 研究結論--------------------------------------- 45
5-2 未來研究方向------------------------------------ 45
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------46
【1】Windows Logo’d Products List , 2009 , Microsoft Corporation ,
http://winqual. microsoft.com/HCL/Default.aspx?m=7.(2009/10/15)
【2】電阻式觸控面板(2009)洋華光電Young Fast Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
【3】電容式觸控面板(2009)洋華光電Young Fast Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
【5】SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) 表面聲波觸控面板(2009)宇鴻光電ATouch Technologies Co., Ltd . http://www.a-touch.com.tw/product-ir.htm.(2009/12/20)
【6】觸控原理(2009)坤巨資訊股份有限公司 Groovy Technology Corp.
【7】賴彥中(2008)電磁式觸控面板將以新面孔出現於筆記型電腦市場, 工業技術研究院 ITIS計畫報告。
【8】Windows Touch Gestures , 2009 , Microsoft Corporation , http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd940543(VS.85).aspx.(2009/10/21)
【9】Redmond , 2009 " INPUT-0046 Windows Touch digitizers provide a high quality input experience " Windows Logo program newsletter, Washington, USA .
【10】Windows Touch Test , 2009 , Microsoft Corporation ,
http://msdn. microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd834310.aspx.(2009/10/21)
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