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作者(英):Wang, Yu-Chun
指導教授(英):Shang, Shiaw-Chun
口試委員(外文):Wu, Ya-Ling
Lee, Yi-Hui
英文關鍵詞:GamificationGame design elementsBrand loyalty
Doi Url:http://doi.org/10.6814/NCCU202100942
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遊戲化是指在非遊戲的服務或 APP 中使用遊戲的設計元素來增強使用者體驗和顧客參與度。隨著現代技術的發展,創新技術被應用於許多遊戲化的設計開發上。近年來,許多致力於設計品牌小遊戲的遊戲公司成立,為了吸引大眾的目光,設計時會利用遊戲化的設計元素來增強玩家的參與度,希望在能在遊戲進行的過程中,自然而然地傳達品牌理念。在本研究中,我們想知道遊戲化的設計是如何對從情感及認知兩方面影響顧客對品牌的參與度,以及它是如何直接或間接地影響品牌忠誠度和品牌認知。因此,我們首先對遊戲化、遊戲設計以及使用者體驗進行了文獻回顧,將七個遊戲化的設計元素分為情感面和認知面,進一步提出假設並通過案例探討的方式驗證這些遊戲化設計元素,接著我們藉由收集 378 名受訪者對這些設計元素和對品牌之間關聯的看法來檢驗假設,希望此研究結果能為企業在未來制定營銷策略時提供正確的方向。
Gamification is using game design elements in non-game services or applications to enhance user experience and user engagement. With the evolvement of mobile technologies, innumerable gamification designs have been developed by using innovative technologies. Also, many game companies which dedicate to made brand mini-game founded in recent years, to effectively attract users to join the game, companies might interest in the utilize factors of gameplay design, only if customers are engaged in the experience can the company convey the concept of the brand naturally. In this study, we wonder about the influence of gamification design on the two aspects of customers’ engagement, and how it further affects brand loyalty and brand awareness directly or indirectly. Thus, we conducted a literature review on the user experience of gamification and game design, then identified seven motivational gamification design elements and classified them into the emotional and the cognitive aspect of brand engagement, further proposed hypotheses. Using case analysis, we verified these gamification design elements and further to test the hypotheses by collecting responses from 378 respondents with regard to their perceptions of the relationship between the gamification design elements and the aspect of brand engagement. We hope the findings can provide a proper direction for enterprises to develop their marketing strategy in the future.
1-1 Background 5
1-2 Research Question 7
2-1 User Experience and Gamification 8
2-2 Motivational Design Elements of Gamification 8
2-3 Gamification Design for Brand Loyalty and Brand awareness 9
2-4 Gamification Design and Brand Engagement 9
3-1 Research Framework 14
3-2 Research Design 14
3-3 Data Collection 18
4-1 Descriptive Statistics 22
4-2 Data Analysis 23
4-2-1 Measurement Model 23
4-2-2 Structural Model 25
4-3 Results Summary 27
4-4 Discussion 28
5-1 Research Summary 30
5-2 Limitations and Future Research 31
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