  • 期刊


Evaluation of Fungicides for Growth Inhibitions of "Phalaenopsis" Fusarium Pathogen


鐮胞菌屬病原真菌可引起蝴蝶蘭黃葉病(Fusarium solani)、灰斑病(Fusarium oxysporum)及黑斑病(Fusarium proliferatum)。本研究在實驗室測試16種供試的殺真菌劑對此3種病原菌的孢子發芽與菌絲生長的抑制作用,在孢子發芽抑制方面,結果顯示40%克熱淨(iminoctadine triacetate)與23.6%百克敏(pyraclostrobin)對黃葉病菌與黑斑病菌的抑制效果最為明顯,稀釋後濃度10 mg a.i.L^(-1)時孢子發芽抑制率皆高於99%。而50%三氟敏(trifloxystrobin)與23.6%百克敏(pyraclostrobin)對灰斑病菌的孢子發芽抑制效果最佳,稀釋後濃度2.5 mg a.i. L^(-1)時孢子發芽抑制率皆高於82%。在菌絲生長抑制方面,結果顯示25%撲克拉(prochloraz)與50%撲克拉錳(prochlorate manganese)的抑制效果最好,稀釋後濃度5 mg a.i. L^(-1)時菌絲生 長抑制率皆可達60%以上。


Fusarium diseases of Phalaenopsis, including yellow leaf caused by Fusarium solani, gray spot caused by Fusarium oxysporum and black spot caused by Fusarium proliferatum, were frequently found in the fields. Sixteen fungicides were selected for evaluating the inhibition effect of conidiospore germination and mycelium growth of these three pathogens. On inhibition of conidiospore germinations, data showed that inhibition rates of F. solani and F. proliferatum by 10 mg a.i. L^(-1) dilution concentration of 40% iminoctadine triacetate and 23.6% pyraclostrobin were more than 99%. And inhibition rates of F. oxysporum by 2.5 mg a.i. L^(-1) dilution concentration of 50% trifloxystrobin and 23.6% pyraclostrobin were more than 82%. On the inhibition of mycelial growth, data showed that the inhibition rates by 5 mg a.i. L^(-1) dilution concentration of 25% prochloraz and 50% prochlorate manganese were more than 60%, better than other tested fungicidies.
