  • 期刊


The Lived Experience and Coping Behavior of a Pregnant Woman with Placenta Previa Through Tocolysis Failure


本個案研究是探討一位經診斷為前置胎盤的孕婦,其於孕程中接受安胎卻仍失敗之經驗歷程與因應行為。研究者以護理人員身份,對個案提供照護,並以臨床田野研究法(clinical field method)收集其語官與非語官行為資料,再書寫成行為過程記錄,共九篇,並經由內容分析法分析、歸類後驕現此個案於安胎失敗的經驗歷程中,呈現有:(1)提早經歷安胎的處境。(2)迫臨安胎失敗的局面。(3)與耐地咀嚼失落的苦果。(4)回顧孕程,接受失去胎兒之事實。而個案所採用的因應行為有:(l)終止妊娠手術前:維護自身及胎兌的安全。(2)安胎失敗後:進行心理調適以逐浙接受事實。本研究期使護理人員能暸解此類有前置胎盤情形的孕婦,她們在接受安胎卻仍失敗當時的處境,極需我們提供心理支持,及出院後不斷的關懷及照護,以能協助其走出陰霾。


The purpose of this case study was to explore the lived experience and coping behavior of a pregnant woman with placenta previa who underwent tocolysis failure. Clinical field method was used and data were collected through nursing process recording and analyzed with content analysis. Four main areas of life experience were inductively identified: (1) Early experience of tocolytic situation. (2) Facing tocolysis failure. (3) Bitterly ruminating overher loss. (4)Recollecting and reintegrating her pregnancy period experience, and facing the fact of losing a child. Her coping behaviors were: Before termination: Protecting self and fetus, including: 1. Maintaining body functions. 2. Maintaining the pregnancy. 3. Self-examination and re-orientation. After termination: Self-reintegration, including: 1. Maintaining body functions. 2. Mental readjustment and defense. 3. Cooling down mentally, and facing the fact of losing a child. The findings of this case study can provide useful information for nurses when caring for such women.
