  • 期刊


A Preliminary Survey of Incompatibility of Pulverized Medications in Medical Wards




Recently, with the advance of medical technology, new drugs and new dosage forms are being discovered at a fast pace. However, not all of these dosage forms can be pulverized or be used in their powder forms. In clinical situations, most health professionals have little knowledge of whether a drug can be pulverized and used as powder without adverse effects. Some of them have never thought that it may be a problem worth considering. In this primitive survey research, an evaluation sheet was developed which was used to record the noncompliance with in compatibility information on pulverized medications. An open-ended questionnaire was also designed to investigate knowledge related to compatibility to drug pulverization. The results showed over 67% incidence of incompliance events, most of them in sustained-release and enteric-coating forms. Over 62% of health professionals did not know whether a drug could be pulverized while 75% of medical doctors did not know. Most of their knowledge of this aspect is from information among nursing professionals. Moreover, even medical doctors received related information from nursing staff. Consequently, we discovered a general misinformation regarding dosage forms. The results of this study may be valuable for future design of medication education both in school and in-service for health professionals.
