  • 期刊


An Exploratory Study of Primary Family Caregivers' Needs and Factors in Their Interaction With Home Care Nurses


為暸解接受居家護理服務病志的主要照顧者對居家護理人員的互動需求及相關因素,採橫斷性研究法,研究對象來自高雄市八所居家護理機構病志的主要照顧者,其病忠接受居家護理服務滿一個月,經由照顧者的同意後,共有 120 位照顧者參與研究,到每一個家庭進行訪視及以結構式問卷調查收集資料。應用案主健康行為互動模式及相關文獻研批問卷,工具具有良好信效度。其結果是: 1.依照顧者的回答,其對居家護理人員的互動需求,依序為「專業服務態度」、「決茉與計畫的協助」、「睛感支持」、「照護技能與訊息」。 2.主要照顧者對居家護理人員互動需求的相關因素為:(l)居家病息的年齡。(2)照顧者經醫師診斷的疾病數。(3)照顧者自覺健康狀況。(4)有無僱請看護。結論為「專業服務態度」是主要照顧者最在意的,並建議居家護理實務者能持續關心照顧者情感支持的需求。也提供對居家護理實務、研究與教育之建議,以期居家護理服務能有更好的發展。


The purpose of this study was to explore the interaction needs of primary caregivers and related factors in patient home healthcare. The study used a cross-sectional design. All caregivers of patients receiving home nursing services for over one month from eight home care agencies in Kaohsiung city were eligible to participate. The sample consisted of 120 caregivers. A structured questionnaire of interaction needs was used in interviews with each of the participants in their homes. Based on the Interactional Model of Client Health Behavior (IMCHB) and related literature, a questionnaire was used that primary caregivers might require home care nurses to complete. The instrument had a satisfactory validity and reliability. Our findings were as follows: 1. According to caregivers’ answers, the most important of the four criteria for measuring caregivers’ service needs in their interaction with home care nurses was ‘professional attitude in caring,” followed by ‘providing help with decision-making and planning,”‘emotional support, and, finally, “caring abilities and information”; 2. We discovered four factors that were considered important regarding caregivers’ home nursing service interaction needs. In order of importance , they were (1) patient’s age, (2) the patient’s disease must have been diagnosed by a physician, (3) the caregiver’s self-perceived health status, and (4) there had to be an alternative home helper. In conclusion, home care nurses’ professional attitude in caring was of the greatest concern to caregivers. Our study suggests that emotional support needs to be maintained and improved in home nursing practical services. We provide several recommendations as to how practices. research, and education can be changed or developed in order to enhance home nursing services.


