  • 期刊


Family Satisfaction with Systematic Nursing Instructions in a Pediatric Emergency Department


本研究目的在探討小兒急診病童家屬對系統性護理指導的滿意程度及其應用情形。以台北市某醫學中心小兒急診病童家屬為對象。研究方法採問卷調查法,針對小兒急診病童就診之症狀介入系統性的護理指導,包括提供護理指導單張、配合口頭解說,並在病童離院後24、72小時內以電話追蹤返家後狀況及加強衛教,問卷於離院前交給家屬,出院72小時後由家屬填妥郵寄回收,發放700份,回收有效問卷362份,回收率51.7%。資料以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)。結果顯示:⑴急診病童家屬對系統性護理指導的滿意度為83.8%;⑵病童家屬的教育程度較高者對護理指導的滿意度較低,教育程度越高對護理指導的期望及需求越高;⑶有61.4%的家屬表示依護理指導的方法處理,使病童症狀獲得改善而不須返診。系統性護理指導對於小兒急診病童家屬具有助益性,可作為提升照護品質及降低非計畫性重返急診改善方案的參考。


This study aimed to evaluate satisfaction with systematic nursing instructions among family members of pediatric emergency patients and to determine the degree to which family members complied with instructions provided. All subjects recruited were from a single medical center. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Written systematic nursing instructions were given to patient family members, supplemented by verbal interpretation. Family members were then contacted by telephone at 24 and 72 hours, respectively, after emergency department (ED) discharge. Questionnaires were completed and mailed back to the hospital within 72 hours. The 362 valid responses returned out of 700 questionnaires dispensed represented a response rate of 51.7%. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Scheffe's test. Main study findings included: (1) Family member satisfaction with systematic nursing instructions was 83.8%; (2) Families with higher educational levels had higher expectations in terms of health education and were less satisfied with instructions provided; and (3) 61.4% of participants reported symptom relief after following systematic nursing instructions and, as a result, did not need to return for further clinical help. Results demonstrate that systematic nursing instructions are effective in improving family satisfaction and compliance with nursing instructions. In addition, these instructions help reduce the rate of unplanned return visits to the pediatric ED.


吳昌騰(2014)。運用跨團隊模式改善小兒急診72小時內 非計畫性返診後之住院率〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00964
